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the voltron force learned that the alternate black lion, was very attached to azrael, to the point the lion would go out looking for him, not that azrael wanted the attention, the voltron force laughed amused as azrael tried to shoo it away, that amusement quickly turned to concern when azrael brought out a very heavily armed machine and started shooting the lion forcing it away

"he really wants nothing to do with voltron doesn't he" hunk said

"why, it's an honor to be a pilot for voltron, he's already told us he knows some of this particular voltron's history, so he must also know the legends" allura said

"the two voltrons seem to be avoiding each other, at present as well, they keep trying to go back to that ship of azrael's" keith said

"maybe we should talk to our guest learn about him and see what we can find out" pidge said

that was an idea they all agreed upon so they found away aboard the rather creepy looking flagship of azrael's and found their way to unit-01

"you shouldn't be here" i said

"what is this thing, who are you" allura demanded as she stared rather fearfully at unit-01

"that is provisional evangelion unit-01, humanities worst most desperate creation, from my world, and what i derive my name from, azrael angel of death, more specifically the death of angels, for have killed many of them haven't we" i asked looking at unit-01

"i believe i previous told you, i already had a sentient mech, well say hello to it" i said

"you sound like you hate this thing" pidge said

"i do, or rather i used to, but that story is not for you to here, it is safe to say, that unlike you i did not receive a choice, and leave it at that" i said

"i think we should here it" keith said

"and i think it's time for me and my people to go, i wish you all well, wake up unit-01, it's time for another dirac jump" i said, they were confused

"guys look" hunk said a slight tremor to his voice as they turned to see the EVA's eyes were glowing, they didn't notice that azrael had left the room

after disembarking they found out that true to his word, azrael had recalled his people back to their ships, to their surprise every single person followed, they were able to catch one before she boarded the ship

"why do you follow him" allura asked

"the guardian has always protected and looked after us, he promised us a future free of discrimination, one where we are equal, and with the coalition we are" the faunus woman responded before continuing on her way to get aboard her ship before disembarking, the voltron force, started to realize that if they didn't stop the fleet from leaving they may never stop again, making their way to the castle allura attempted to contact azrael

"ah your highness, what is it i can do for you i am quite busy making preparations to be underway" i said

"don't leave" she said

"i'm afraid i must" i said

"your secrets are your own, we will no longer pry into what isn't for us to know, i can't bear thinking about all those people who will never find a home, please, don't leave" she said, i paused

"you'd give my people a home, despite not knowing us" i asked surprised

"we are the defenders of the universe, so long as you are here, you are under our protection" keith said, also choosing to follow the princess, i paused

"no one is allowed my arks, if i find out one of you tried to sneak aboard, i won't simply leave, you will have made another enemy, that of the guardian" i said

"understood" keith said, i nodded

"i thank you, i feared the same as your highness, that my people would be wandering the realities forever, never finding a home, so long as you follow my condition and you protect my people, your enemies are our enemies" i said, the channel then closed, allura sighed in relief as she noticed vessels powering down their engines, and soon shuttles were again being sent back and forth between the ships and the surface as people began to disembark, this time with their commander informing them of their new home

"we'll need his input on what to do with the other set of lions, for all intents and purposes they are under his jurisdiction, especially since the other black lion sees him as it's pilot" pidge said

"we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" allura said she then noticed a ship coming in from orbit, that was significantly larger then the shuttles

"we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" allura said she then noticed a ship coming in from orbit, that was significantly larger then the shuttles

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she found the ship to be beautiful, and also incredibly large

"the lions appear to be heading towards that ship" pidge said as he looked at a reading on the monitor

"that must be their castle" allura said

"scans indicate that the people on it are disembarking, it may have been used as civilian transport" pidge said

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