Chapter 21: Vigilante Shit 🚨

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Chapter 21: Vigilante Shit 🚨

WELCOME MY LOVELIES! 🧡🌟  to this super sweet high school story...where Chris makes us feel like we're living a teenage dream everyday! 🍦

Warnings: Smut, teenage flashback, a little bit of yelling but lots of laughing and smiling, overall fluffy and a hint of smut!

🔸 Enjoy babes I love you all!🔸

In the TD world it's 2012 🌟

"Chris! He can't get up here, it's too high for him."

You announce, and Chris tries his best to get Dodger to jump and walk up the ladder.

At the same time all three of you are trying to be as quiet as possible to avoid making any cameras go off.

"Nonsense," he's always been this reckless. Your husband, well ex husband technically but now he's your fiancé again, so's complicated. 

Poor Dodgey whines as he can't reach where you guys are high up. His paws tremble and his legs shake as he lifts them to get a grip and push himself up.

"Babe!" You cry, and scold Christopher. You knew Dodger would've been just fine at home. But of course he wanted to bring the puppy too.

The pizza box seems to have been forgotten down there on another platform area of the roof.

"Buddy, you're okay! Stop making your mom even more nervous."


"Hold him," Chris instructs you, and you do as he says. After so many years together, as often as Chris brings you into trouble he's almost always gotten you out of it.

Holding Dodger by his two front paws and legs, Chris hops down a few feet. Something you'd never do. It's too steep of a jump—for Chris it's like doing a cartwheel.

Chris pushes Dodger on his butt, helping him get to the next bar of the ladder, while you push him upward.

Giving Dodger a harsher push he falls completely onto you, and yelps he was so startled and scared, "CHRISTOPHER! Why would you push him?!"

Picking up the pizza box, Chris wraps his hand around the steel structure.

"I was trying to get him up there!" he yells back, it takes him three seconds to hop up the ladder.

"Are you okay, bubba?"

Scratching behind his ears, and kissing his head. You talk to Dodgy in a baby voice, because that's what he is—your baby.

Dodgey doesn't do anything but lick you, holding him on his leash you lead him further onto the roof.

Chris follows close behind you both, dusting off his hands on his pants. Just because you and Chris graduated high school more than 10 years ago...doesn't mean you guys have to stop doing stuff you guys did back then.

The night sky is shimmering with stars, it's peaceful and quiet...and at the same time dangerous because no one is allowed up here. Technically you guys were trespassing.

But of course, Chris doesn't care. He still has that reckless 17 year old boy in him...

"Alright," Chris sighs, Dodger lays down in between you both. You're lost gazing upon the stars and this beautiful night. "Let's open this bad boy up."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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