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As I sit down in the session and open up my pink laptop, I gage where Carter is sitting. Right on the opposite side of the room to me. My screen illuminates and two otters swimming appear as I type my password in and open up a Google doc.
'Right that's all we have for today, so we will meet again this time next week' the lecturer calls and I immediately switch my laptop off and slip it back into my tote, feeling silly for turning it on. I swing my coat on and head for the door. That was awkward. Arrive late and then leave early. I walk behind a few people so I have a considerable distance between me and Carter. I try to dodge him but I feel his presence comes closer.
'That was awkward' he said.
'Yeah' I breathe.
As we walk down the steps quickly, I feel my boobs jumping up and down and I wonder if he notices.
We come to the door and as he opens it for me, I step outside and feel the cold air touch my skin and the rain begin to spit on my cheeks.
'Ah it's freezing out here' I say as I snuggle my hands into my coat pockets.
'Do you want to come back to my house?' Carter said unexpectedly.
I paused.

We get off the bus and I follow him to the door of an attached uni house. The bins were out.
He retrieves his keys out of his coat pocket and unlocks the door, stepping inside onto a wooden floor. I turn around to close the door tight. Following him straight up the stairs, I walk into his room, noticing how heavy the door feels in comparison to mine at home. Strange.
I decide to sit on his bed and tie my hair up into a sleek ponytail whilst he takes his shoes off and then sits back on the bed and watches me with gentle eyes.
'There's a party on Friday' he comes out with, 'I think you should come' he breathes as he fiddles with his vape between his fingertips.
'Where?' I ask facing fully towards him as I skirt further up the bed.
'Jason's, you can just meet me here again and I'll take you' he breathes as he exhales white smoke into the air we are both breathing.
'Who's Jason?'
'Just a mate'
'You look cute with your hair like that' he smirks as he puffs on his vape casually again as I raise my eyebrows at him.
'Why you so shocked?' He asks, 'you're hot' he smiles at me as he lifts his chin and breathes out a long line of smoke. I don't get why he feels the need to vape so much.
'Let me see' my hands touch his as I take his vape and hold it in my hand. It doesn't look like the ones my uni friend uses, this one has a digital screen on it and a charging hole.
'This looks very sophisticated' I say as I wiggle it in front of his face.
'Why' he try's hiding his laugh and smile.
'Doesn't look like the ones my friend uses'
'Yeah I paid a decent amount and refill it' he explained, 'try it'
'I don't vape' I tell him.
He raises his eyebrows and as I give him the vape back, I then move up the bed further towards his face. He says nothing but looks at me in a way that says something. His eyes move to my lips. He takes his index finger and brushes them softly before holding my face with his hands.
'You wearing lipstick?' He asks.
'Lip liner, why?'
'It looks sexy' he tells me and it makes me slightly smirk.
His hands then sit on my hips whilst I sit there staring into his eyes. My phone buzzes and I look. I forgot. I was suppose to be at a family birthday party.
'Oh I was meant to be out' I told him.
'Where?' He asks.
'For a family party' I told him, 'ah I don't give a crap'
I sent a lame excuse and stuffed my phone on his shelf next to his bed.
'I'm tired tho, can I have a nap?' I ask as I'm already pulling back the quilt and tucking myself underneath.
'Looks like your already making yourself at home'
I lay down on my side away from him before I feel his body come up behind me. His arms wrap around my body and I feel the coldness rush into the back of my neck as his fingers softly move my hair onto my shoulder. His lips gently kiss the back of my neck unexpectedly as I just stay on my side. He doesn't stop but I'm so tired I just fall asleep.

Opening my eyes, the sky is still blue as I look out of his window next to his bed. Carter's bed. Rotating my head, I angle myself to see him and he's not there. I sit up and he's not in the room at all.
'Yeah she's still asleep' I hear, the window is slightly ajar, so I peer through it to see him and two mates smoking out in the garden underneath his room.
'Who is she?'
'This girl in my English class, she swapped over recently but we started talking the other day' I hear Carter explain. I move myself so they can't see me just in case but stay close enough to listen in.
'Is she hot?'
'Yeah she's fit' he says.
I hear them shuffle back inside and I jolt back under the covers, pretending I was still asleep. The door opens and I feel him looking at me before it clicks shut again. The quilt moves as I feel him get underneath. Slowly, I open my eyes to see him on his phone, I stretch slightly and prop myself up next to him with a cushion.
'What you doing?'
'Just on my phone' he says as he turns it off and places it on his lap. Nothing is said.
'I'm gonna go' I tell him.
'Why' he asks.
Quite honestly, I don't know why I came back with him. It isn't something I've ever done before and I'm not sure why I'm in his bed or why he's calling me hot to his friends. Or why I've fallen asleep in his bed.
'I just feel bad about the birthday party' I lie, grabbing my bag and tying my shoes at the same time.
'But I guess I'll see you next week'
Standing up I take the door and pace myself down the stairs. Unlocking the front door, I walk out and onto the pavement and into the busy city I love and live in.

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