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Annie POV

I woke up with my head lying on a hard surface, I lifted my head a little bit only to realize it was just his hard, bare, and muscular chest. He looked so peaceful and cozy. I couldn't help but find him gorgeous.

"I feel ya lookin' ya know..." he grunted out before opening his eyes and fluttering his beautiful dark eyelashes that I was so jealous of how long they were. His remark made me blush. He looked at the clock shortly after. "I gotta go practice," he said in a tired voice. "Noo," I whined putting my head back on his chest "Stay with me longer," I said sadly.

Me and Rocky don't have all the time in the day to spend together. Definitely, now that he is practicing so much for the match, and me busy with work which has been working quite well, we don't have time to be with each other other than at night, only for me to come exhausted and him as well. But Rocky does visit me at work and I do as well when he's practicing. Sometimes he helps me around with the bags and helps me feed the kittens. When I visit I can't do much but I remember one time when Rocky was "practicing his reflexes" as Mickey said, and by doing so he practiced trying to catch water balloons. I couldn't help but laugh whenever he missed one and it would splash him right in the face.

I snapped back to reality when Rocky tried to get up, "I have to go and practice baby," he said while kissing the top of my head. "Fine" I pouted and let him get up. I saw his back from behind and saw him stretch slowly. The way his muscles shifted when he stretched, I saw how his shoulders began to look much more enhanced and broad than before. I'm proud that Rocky is slowly getting healthier and stronger. He practically looks like Superman. He got up wearing his boxers and walked to the bathroom.

Today was my day off, which I thought was going to be fun but then I remembered Rocky wouldn't be there to loosen up and relax with me so I thought maybe instead I could just paint, and paint more.

I got up and made some toast for me and Rocky, I cooked for him 5 nicely cooked scrambled eggs and some tuna. I absolutely hate tuna but Rocky has to eat it for protein or whatever. I still find it disgusting but I'm just glad I ain't eating it.

By the time I was done, I made some coffee and tea for us, and right when I finished, Rocky came from the bathroom ready to go, and we ate breakfast together. While eating quietly I decided to turn on the radio that was on the counter.

"—three months later, Apollo Creed's stepping into the ring with Rocky Balboa. Yeah, I know, sounds like a long shot, right? Can this Balboa guy even hang with the champ? Guess we'll find out soon enough. Stay tuned for the ultimate showdown, folks!"

I looked at him slowly and his eyes looked strong and confident but I could still tell that he was nervous. "You're gonna win," I stated, I saw him soften the tension on his shoulders and he sighed "Of course I will, for you." he glanced at me before pointing to my lips, "You got some jam there bunny." I blushed and tried to get it off, "There?" I asked, "Let me just do it." he spoke as he reached with his finger to wipe the strawberry jam off and licked it off his finger while looking into my eyes. My face turned even more scarlet than it was.
After we were done eating Rocky helped me clean up a little before leaving for practice.

After Rocky left I took a relaxing shower and brushed my teeth, I dressed in comfortable clothing and decided to sketch a little. I decided to come up with an idea of what to paint. I have all day so I won't waste time. I pulled out my small sketchbook and started sketching a rough depiction of what I was going to paint.

From everything that's been happening, I haven't had time to do art. With meeting Rocky and losing my job, then getting a new job and working, I haven't had the time.

Most of the reasons I painted was to reduce my loneliness. I painted every one of those emotions. I never wanted to be abnormal or the odd one out because of my experiences and I never wanted to burden everyone with my difficulties so I just worked hard and put on my happiest face, I would dance to get my mood better, I would help my friends in every way, I tried and I succeeded, but loneliness would still eat me alive even in a group of people so I just painted to relieve that. but now that I haven't felt lonely, I've been painting much less. So I decided that for the first time, I would paint something that I love.

I darted my eyes over the paper and saw the one and only


I smiled and felt the love swirl around my body. Since I've met him life had meaning. We fill each other's voids, he's my safe place and I'm his. I laugh at his horrible dad jokes when no one does, he listens to my annoying rants and whines when no one ever does, I help him with reading and writing, listening to him read his and my favorite books every night when no one ever read our bedtime stories. We give each other what we never had, this feeling of love and nurturing. a loving and warm home, when all we knew was a cold one.

I got up and walked over to my small and humble painting station, took out my tubes of paint, and set up the canvas on my worn-out, rusty easel.
I put on my favorite radio station that was playing Let's Stay Together by Al Green. The drums and the vocals mixing with the back vocalists felt so warm. The lyrics felt so... understandable. Now I know what all the love songs talk about.

I got my paintbrushes ready, my cup of water, and my paint rag on my lap as I sat in front of the canvas and began to paint. I picked up the thick paint on the tall paintbrush and started to paint light strokes of paint slowly forming a general shape. After some time I managed to paint the eyes I loved to glimpse into, those dark chocolate eyes with the long fluttering eyelashes but you only paint those at the end. I slowly went down to his nose and painted the flesh tones. I washed my brush took a slightly smaller one picked a nice pinkish-red shade and started to paint the lips. The most luscious and soft lips. How his mouth was so wet and fitted against mine so perfectly is something I cannot describe. Just thinking about them caused me to bite my lip. I added the last highlighted parts on his lips with my smallest brush and slowly backed up to see it from a far perspective.

I had a lot of things left to paint but it's not like I didn't have time. By the time Rocky comes back from practice, it will be complete.

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