Cuddle bear

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I woke up to someone squeezing my nose. I opened my eyes and was meet by Olivia looking straight at me. When she noticed me being awake she started smiling. She let go of my nose and gave me a hug. I gave her a kiss on her head and quickly turned over to look at the clock. It said 9 am, so pretty okay. I put my phone back down and gave my attention back to Olivia.

"Mommy?" She said playing with one of the straps on my bra.

"Yeah." I said back.

"Me hungry." She said.

"Your hungry? Should we make some breakfast then?" I asked looking down at her.

"Yes. Can we eat pancakes?" She asked looking up at me.

"Fine, but only if you promise to be a good girl at the plane tomorrow morning." I said and she nodded her head smiling. Tomorrow me and Olivia are going on a weekend holiday with Beth and Viv to just get some time off before our last game of the season before national camp. We are going down to Spain which means I get to see Keira again. I haven't seen her since last camp and that was a long time ago.

I got out of bed and helped Olivia out so she could walk on her own. Before we went down we walked into Olivia's room so I could change her. It's still pretty warm so I just put on a clean diaper and a shirt. I took her hand and we walked down the stairs. We made it downstairs and into the kitchen. I let go of her hand and pulled out all the ingredients for the pancakes. I put everything on the counter and found a bowl.

"Mommy, me help you." Olivia said putting her hands up. I picked her up and placed her on the counter.

"Pour the milk in for me." I said giving her the milk I had measured up. She did it without spilling and was so happy with herself.

"Good job baby, you did it all by yourself." I said mixing all the ingredients together. I began frying the pancakes and Olivia sat beside me and watched closely.

"Mommy done?" She asked.

"Almost, I have one left." I said pouring the rest of the mixture in the pan. I finished the frying and put all the dishes in the sink for me to do later. I put Olivia in her chair and placed a plate in front of her. I took my own plate and sat down at the table with her. I pour some syrup on my pancakes which made Olivia want some.

"What that mommy?" She asked as she put some pancake in her mouth.

"It's syrup." I said showing her the bottle.

"Me have some?" She said pushing her plate over towards me.

"I don't think you'll like it, but you can taste some of mommy's." I said braking off a piece from mine. I put it in her mouth and as I thought she didn't like it and spat it back out into my hand.

"Yucky." She said and picked up her cup of water.

"I told you." I said laughing a bit.

We finished eating and I cleaned the dishes while Olivia played with her toys in the living room. I finished and went to sit down on the couch. I leaned my head back and let out a sigh. I took out my phone and started scrolling through it. I posted some photos on instagram and answered some mails. After about 30 minutes I felt some hands on my legs.

"Hey baby, you want to sit?" I said patting the couch beside me.

"Mhm." She said nodding her head. I helped her up and she crawled over to my lap and cuddled her head into my chest.

"Are you tired?" I asked since the clock are around 3 pm.

"No, me just wanted to cuddle mommy." She said.

My little girlحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن