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I woke up to crying coming from Olivia's room. This wasn't one of her typical cries, something was clearly wrong. I pulled myself out of bed and looked at the clock, it was 4 am. I walked out of my room and went into hers. I turned on the light and looked at her. She was sitting up and she had been sick all over herself and her bed. She was still crying hysterically. "Oh baby, did you throw up" I said going over to her. She just cried more putting her arms up. I stripped her down and picked her up and put her down beside me so I could fix the bed. She was not happy about that and didn't stop crying. "Shh, it's ok, mommy have to clean your bed and wash your clothes" I said in an attempt to calm her. It didn't work. She was clearly unwell. I hurried up and tried to do it as fast as possible. After I finished I picked her up and took her into the bathroom. She was still crying but not so much. "Baby, you don't have to cry mommy is here" I said, she calmed down a bit. "Tummy hurts" she said in a cracking voice. "I know, we are giving you a bath and you can sleep in mommy's bed, ok?" She nodded and I took her diaper of and put her in the bath. She was a bit pale still, I just hope she don't throw up again. She is only two so she doesn't quite understand that she has to tell me when she feels sick.

I took her out of the bath and wrapped her in a towel and went back into her room. I had to put her down to find her a new pj. She didn't like that, and she started crying. "Give me to seconds baby, mommy have to find you a new pj" I said pulling out the first one I saw. I picked her up and put her down on the changing table. This time she looked really pale. "Baby, tell mommy if you are going to be sick again" I said patting her head lightly. "Sick" she said starting to cry a bit again. I quickly took her back into the bathroom and pulled out one of my washing buckets. She is not tall enough to reach the toilet yet. She threw up again. I felt so bad for her. This was going to be a long night. I cleaned the bucket and went to put on her pj. I took her down to the kitchen to give her some medicine. She didn't like medicine but I had to make her feel better. I sat her down on the counter and went in the cupboard above her to get some medicine. I pulled out a bottle and mixed the medicine in with some juice. "Here baby drink this, I promise you will feel better after" I said as I gave her the bottle. She started to drink it and quickly pulled it out of her mouth. "yucky mommy" she said. "I know, but you have to drink it" I said picking her back up. "No" she said. "If you drink it you mommy will buy you a toy when you feel better" I said in an attempt to get her to drink it. It worked and she started to drink it. I walked upstairs again and into my bedroom. I sat down in my bed and laid Olivia down in my arms and she continued drinking weakly from her bottle. She eventually drifted of to sleep and let go of her bottle. I laid down and put Olivia down beside me. She cuddled into my side and she held onto my shirt. It looked like she felt better and I hope she sleeps through the rest of the night.

I woke up again to Olivia crying. I sat up and put on my night lamp. This time she luckily haven't thrown up, but she was crying. "What's wrong honey" I said putting her on my lap. "Tummy hurt again" she said crying. I had to give her some more medicine. I stood up and Olivia snuggled her head in my neck. She was still making some sounds that tells me she feels uncomfortable. I walked into the kitchen and looked at the oven clock, it was 7 am. I probably had to call out on training today. I made the bottle and Olivia drank it. This time I just stood in kitchen holding her in my arms. She fell asleep again and I rocked her back and forth. The training was early in the morning so I just sent the message that I would have to miss it cause Olivia was sick. I sat down on the couch cause it wasn't any point of going back to bed. I put on the TV and pulled a blanket over both me and Olivia. After about 1 hour Olivia was in deep sleep. I put her down on the couch and put the blanket back over her. I had to clean her room and start a washing with her clothes. I cleaned of her bed and put on some new bedding, even though she would probably sleep in my bed for a couple days. I started the washer and went back down to the living room. Olivia was still sleeping and I sat down beside her. She was so cute, but I could see that she was sick. Poor thing.

Olivia slept for a solid 3 hours before she woke up again

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Olivia slept for a solid 3 hours before she woke up again. This time she wasn't crying. She sat up and came onto my lap facing me and snuggled her head into my chest. I lightly brushed trough her hair. "Do you want some dinner baby" I asked her. "No me not want food" she said back looking up at me. "You sure, you haven't eaten since yesterday" I said, and she threw up everything she did eat during the night. "Scared" she said. "You won't get better unless you eat" I said. She just put her head down on my shoulder. I decided that I would make something anyway cause I was also hungry. I stood up and held Olivia on my hip. I walked into the kitchen and started to make the soup my mom used to make me when I was sick as a kid. It was pretty easy to make and fast.

I put Olivia down in her highchair and put two bowls of soup on the table. I sat down and started to eat. I decided that I would try and feed Olivia some too. "Taste it baby" I said sticking the spoon in front on her mouth. "Ok" she said opening her mouth. I feed her and she swallowed it. I think she liked it and I feed her some more. She ate about half of the bowl which is good enough. "You feeling better now" I said taking her out of her chair and put her on the floor. "Yes little better" she said walking after me over to the dishwasher. After I did the dishes Olivia put her hands out for me to pick her up. I did and we walked back over to the couch.

Later in the evening Olivia felt better and better and I decided to go for a walk. I put on Olivia's jacket and put her in her stroller. The fresh air would probably help her to get even better. I put on my own jacket and shoes, and gave Olivia her bunny and blanket. We went out the door and started walking. Olivia fell asleep on the way and I started to walk home. We made it home and I took Olivia out and sat down on the couch with her in my arms. We just sat like this for the rest of the evening until we went to bed. Olivia slept really well in the next couple of days and everything was back to normal. Thankfully.


A/N - hope you like it. I have many more ideas so I will post really soon.

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