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I had just finished training and the team was walking back to the dressing rooms. Olivia was with a staff member and I was picking her up after I had showered. Today I had promised her that we would go down to the park to look at the birds. She loved looking at the birds and feeding them. She had been asking me nonstop all morning. I hurried up in the shower and put on my clothes and walked out of the changing rooms and up to the room I left Olivia in. I opened the door and she came running over to me. "Mommy" she said happily wobbling her way over to me. "Hey, are you ready to go" I said taking her hand. "Yes me ready" she said jumping a bit. We said goodbye to the staff member and I thanked her for watching her. We made ur way to the car and Olivia couldn't wait to get in the car. "Hurry mommy" she said reacting for the door handle on the car. "Calm down, I'm coming" I said as I closed the back door. I opened her door and put her in her car seat. She wouldn't stop smiling.

I started driving and we eventually made it to the park. I parked the car and got out. I opened Olivia's door and got her out. I put her on the ground and took her hand. "Do you want to sit in the stroller or do you want to walk" I asked her. "Walk please" she said and we started to walk. We walked pretty slowly cause Olivia was interested in everything around her. We made it to the birds and I sat down on the bench right behind Olivia. "Can I have the bread mommy" she said looking at me. "Here" I said giving her a slice of bread. She happily took it and started to feed the birds. She looked so happy and was laughing running around. She came back for more bread and went back to the birds.

Olivia continued with this happiness for about 15 more minutes before it went wrong. I looked away for like a minute and when I looked back Olivia had fallen and was crying. I walked over to her and stood her back on her feet. "What happened" I said brushing of dirt from her pants. "I fell" she said holding her hand out with dirt all over them. I brushed the dirt of and walked back over to the bench. She stopped crying so she didn't get hurt. "Mommy?" She asked me. "Yes" I said back. "Me have ice cream" she said looking at me with puppy eyes. "I can't say no to those eyes" I said and we walked over to the ice cream shop. She wanted a chocolate ice cream and I got it for her. She happily ate her ice cream with half of it landing on her shirt. "Oh goodness what a mess you are making Olivia" I said laughing a bit. I pulled out some napkins from the bag I packed and started to wipe her face. "No mommy no" she said turning her face away from me. "Olivia I have to wipe your face, you have ice cream all over you." I said trying to wipe her face. "Mommy stop it" she said turning away once again. "There, done. We should go back home now, you have to take a nap" I said throwing away the rest of her ice cream. She didn't like that and started crying. She was cranky and tired. I picked her up and walked to the car. Olivia was crying in my arms. I made it to the car and took off her messy shirt and put on a clean one. I put her in the car seat and gave her a dummy" she didn't settle and continued crying. "It's ok, here you want your bunny" I said giving it to her. She settled a bit down and I started to drive home. Olivia surprisingly fell asleep on the way home. She didn't even wake up when I picked her up and walked inside the house. I closed the door behind me and put my keys on the table. I walked up to Olivia's room and laid her down in her crib. I made sure to put on the baby caller In case she woke up.

I went back down to the living room and sat down on the couch. I answered some emails and posted some photos on instagram. Most of the photos was of Olivia. The fans really loved her, and I could see why. She is just so cute. She was a little arsenal baby by blood. Literally from the day she was born she has been at the arsenal grounds. She is and England baby too, she have always come with me to camp. And soon we are going to England camp to play some friendly games before the euros. The camp was in about a month so there was still some time.

I was in the middle of cooking some pasta when Olivia crying trough the baby call. I took the pasta of the heat so it wouldn't get burnt and started to walk up to her room. When I walked in she stopped crying and started to smile. "Hey mommy" she said sticking her hands out. "Hey baby, did you have a good nap" I said as I picked her up and put her on the changing table. I changed her and started to walk back down. I sat Olivia down on the counter and put the pasta back on the heat. I gave Olivia a piece of banana cause she kept saying she was hungry and the food wasn't quite ready yet. "Food soon" she asked me finishing her banana. "Yes, I just have to set the table, then we can eat" I said putting Olivia down on floor and I sat the table. "Olivia come here so I can put you in your chair" I said and she walked over to me. I put her in and put her bib on her. I gave her a bowl of pasta and sat down myself. She was eating her food happily to herself. We both finished and I took both plates over to the sink and walked back over to sort Olivia's mess out. "I think you have to take a bath young lady" I said taking her bib of. "Bubbles?" She asked me. "You can have some bubbles ye" I said walking into the bathroom. I started to fill the bath and stripped Olivia down. When the bath was full enough I put her in. She loved to take a bath and started to splash around herself. I washed her hair and let her play for a bit. "You can play a bit and mommy will go and get you some pjs." I said and she continued playing. I went and picked out some pjs and walked back in to her. I prepared a towel for her and went over to pick her up. I laid the towel down and wrapped Olivia in it. She looked so cute. I put her pjs on and walked back into the living room. It was a bit late so we just started to watch a movie. Olivia laid in my arms and I tried to get her to sleep so I could put her to bed. Eventually she did and I carefully put her in her crib. It was late and I was tired myself so I just went to bed.


A/N - hope you like it.

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