: ̗̀➛ Dean Killinger

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↬Name: Dean Killinger
↦Nicknames: De, Bullseye
↬Age: 23
↬Gender: Male
↬Sexuality: Pansexual
↬Species: Human
↦Powers: None
↬Ethnicity: Japanese
↬Nationality: American



↬Hair length and color: A white, mullet↬Eye color: Ice blue↬Skin tone: fair↬Height: 5'10"↬Weight: 180 pounds↬Clothing style:

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↬Hair length and color: A white, mullet
↬Eye color: Ice blue
↬Skin tone: fair
↬Height: 5'10"
↬Weight: 180 pounds
↬Clothing style:

↬Hair length and color: A white, mullet↬Eye color: Ice blue↬Skin tone: fair↬Height: 5'10"↬Weight: 180 pounds↬Clothing style:

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↬Physical disabilities or illnesses: none


↬Personality: Dean was a kind, gentle boy growing up, who never wanted to harm even a fly. He was sweet and would help anyone with anything, even if they didn't ask. But everything changed once he joined the gang, he had to change his entire personality to fit in and survive in the life of a gang. The only person he really listens to is the leader of the gang, but sometimes not even him. He is one to stay quiet in most situations, he really only talks when he feels he needs to or if he is talking to the gang leader. so, to a lot of people, he is a bit of a mystery. If somehow, you can get past his cold exterior and actually get to know him, he is actually pretty nice and sweet. He would do anything for his partner and he would risk his own life to keep them safe and out of harm's way. He will open up and talk about personal things with them, since they're one of the only people he will trust enough to tell those things to.
↬Background: Dean had a normal childhood and a normal life until he was in college, he was in his second year when he was out for the night with his partner and while they were walking past the cargo yard down at the dock, they witnessed a fight between two rival gangs. they thought they were safe until there were guns pressed against both the backs of their heads. They were taken to the gang leader and in the end, to save his partner's life, he joined the gang, unfortunately that meant he couldn't see his partner again.
↬Mentall disabilities or illnesses: none


↬Skills: Using guns, Being a sniper, Cooking, Throwing knives, hand to hand combat
↬Likes: Music, guns, knives, cooking, food, working out, animals, reading, whiskey, dark colors, protecting those he cares about, making sure everyone else is unharmed, movies, reading, physical books, working out, when his partner is happy, coffee, physical contact, spicy foods, romance novels
↬Dislikes: bitter foods, bland foods, most sodas, a lot of unhealthy foods, when anyone in the gang is injured, people touching his weapons, sour candy, people bossing him around, when his partner is unhappy or in harm's way, when someone touches him without permission, not being able to workout, homophobia, transphobia
↦allergies: Chicken
↦Tattoos: in his face claim
↦Piercings: his ears
↬Scars: One on his side from where he was shot a few years ago
↬Job: hitman for one of the city's gangs
↦Pets: none
→Father- Joseph Killinger (58)
→Mother- Marisa Killinger (57)
→ Ezekiel Killinger (25)
→ Kylie Killinger (22)
→ Emma Killinger (20)


You were Dean's partner when night happened many years ago and you thought you were never going to see him again. well, you were walking past the same cargo yard when you heard hushed talking. You were curious and saw a few men talking and each one had a gun. You were starting to leave when you were grabbed and you felt the cool metal of a gun pressed against your temple. You were led to where the men were and you recignied one of them, the white haired male, it was your ex boyfriend Dean... What do you do?

Make it up

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