Chapter 6

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"So, classes are in the main building and C building for high school. The cafeteria and dorms are in the main building," Amour explained as they walked through the courtyard. 

"We have sort of a school back in San Francisco but its way smaller and witches only. I tried to fight it with the Elders but there really is no fighting the Elders. Well rarely."

"Gonna have to explain them to me sometime. Why did they keep others out?"

"They consider vampires, werewolves, demonic witches, and demons to be dark creatures. But to be fair, they don't let wood nymphs, elves, or leprechauns  in either and they consider those creatures of light."

"Have you ever actually seen a nymph or a leprechaun?" Amour asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Yes, and my nanny was a domestic elf, a brownie."

"What? So you're like a real life Harry Potter?!"

"Says the one who goes to a supernatural boarding school," Wyatt teased her. They both had smiles so large they hurt.

"Amour, who is this? As chair of the welcoming committee, I am notified of any new students," Lizzie said, bursting another of their bubbles. Amour rolled her eyes.

"Lizzie, this is Wyatt, my mom found him in San Francisco. Wyatt this is Lizzie and her twin Josie."

"Nice to meet you both," Wyatt told them and flashed his perfect smile.

"You too, we can take the tour from here, I'm sure Amour has somewhere to be," Lizzie said and Amour had to take a deep breath to control her anger.

"Actually, I don't. Headmaster Saltzman said I could do the tour so take it up with your dad. Wyatt, we should be going."

"Wait!" Josie spoke up. "What type of supernatural are you?"

"Witch. And I do prefer the term male witch. Warlock means something different where I'm from."

"Noted," Josie responded with a small smile.

"Great, her too," Amour muttered then grabbed Wyatt by his backpack. "You can see them at lunch."

"Mor! Ay, mor!" Raf called out and jogged up to the group.

"Ha, ha, very funny, Raf. Wyatt,. this is Rafael, like my only friend. And the guy next to him is his brother Landon."

"So this is Wyatt. Nice to meet you bro, welcome," Rafael said to him.

"Thanks, nice to meet you two. Are you both witches?" Both Landon and Rafael laugh.

"Nah, I'm a wolf and we have no clue what Landon is. Yet. We gotta get to class. See you at lunch! Mor, we will be speaking."

"You can no longer be classified as a best friend!" she yelled at him.

"Still your only one!" he called back.

"Well I'm kind of your friend too, right?" Wyatt asked her.

"Of course. Now come on, time for Magic of Alchemy,"

"Really?" Wyatt asked in disbelief. He saw it on his schedule but couldn't believe it.

They got to lunch pretty easily. No issues. But when they sat down to their impressive lunch, their happiness came to an end in the form of Penelope Park. She didn't even acknowledge Amour's actual presence. "I don't know if anyone's told you this, but you should stay away from Hellspawn," she told Wyatt, "She's a psycho."

"Oh Penelope, has anyone told you being a mean girl is so 2010?" Amour asked with a roll of her eyes.

"But being Queen Bee is immortal and classic. So, Mr. Very tall and handsome, I'm Penelope Park, who are you?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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