Chapter 2

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A/N: Hello lovely readers, there will be no Malivore in this Legacies. The Malivore monsters are instead just weekly monsters without some common driving purpose. The reason for this is that Malivore makes Hope the main character. But also I was thinking a school of magicals probably get into enough trouble on their own. 

Bonnie returned the rental car in San Francisco and took a flight into Richmond that very day. She wanted to go home. She wanted to see her daughter. She wanted to separate herself from the similarities she began to share with her own mother. When she arrived at the Salvatore School, she had to look around, she didn't even tell Alaric. It slightly worried her that no one knew she was on campus. Bonnie waited in the garden, Amour used to enjoy it and she hoped she still did. Classes were dismissed and it filled with the children. She could feel her before she saw her.

Amour was leaving her second class of the day and about to head to the library. She was walking with her head in a fiction book when she got a twinge of familiar magic. Her stomach was in knots. She looked up to see her mother. She almost dropped her book as she ran. The mother and daughter embraced. Both the same height now. It surprised Bonnie. "You've grown so much," Amour heard the tears in her voice. Amour held her mother tighter.

"It's not my birthday. Why are you home?" Amour asked. It could be really good news or really bad.

"I will be home a lot more now," Bonnie said and finally leaned away. She wiped Amour's face of tears she didn't even know were there. "I promise."

"So you figured out what's wrong with me."

"There is nothing wrong with you. But since you obviously know what I've been doing, yes. I found out what makes you different and I have someone coming to help you control your magic."

"Can I come live with you now?" The panicked tone concerned Bonnie.

"What's wrong with school?" Amour struggled to keep a straight face and her eyes became glassy.

"I hate it here. I don't have anyone. I just want to live with you and homeschool please?"

"Amour, you need social interactions."

"I try. Everyone is afraid of me. Please, mom."

"I will think about moving us into Gram's house. But no homeschool."

"Thank you!" she hugged her again and kissed her mother's cheek. "So, lay the bad news on me. What am I?"

"A Bennett witch."

"Yeah. And?"

"And a non-traditional vampire, you get that from your father," Bonnie added. Amour would come back to the non-traditional part later.


"Well turns out your father was injected with demon blood. So that's where your other abilities come from,"

"Wait so all the kids were right? I'm literal hell spawn? Demons are real?"

"What kids?" Bonnie asked, shocked, "And no, you are not hell spawn. You have demonic abilities. This tutor will help you control them and flourish with your magic. Now I know you have class. I just wanted to see you."

Amour left to class and Bonnie went to find Alaric. She found him in his office. She saw him quickly move the bottle of whiskey as she opened the door. "Bonnie!" he choked then coughed a bit. "Wow, I didn't know you were coming. Welcome back."

"Thanks. It's good to see her. She's grown. And now that I actually know what's happening with her, I also have a solution."

"That good of a trip?"

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