Chapter 1

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It was just a normal day for the people in dream high . They attend their classes just as usual such as vocal training , dance training , rap training and more .

However , those classes are strictly assigned for the seniors only . The juniors will just be attending regular classes such as English language , Math and Science .

While everyone was just minding their own business , a student was suddenly caught running around the whole campus shouting ,

" Everyone run , quickly , there's something weird going around in this school ! "

The said student stopped at her homeroom and started rambling about things .

" Hey Jinni , calm down . Tell me what's going on ? ", the teacher asked

Jinni slowly breathe in and out before saying ,

" I was heading to the bathroom when I suddenly heard someone screaming in the toilet . I went in an-and...and i saw a student...she was bitten by another student and they started acting weird and started running towards me . I was lucky enough to dodge their attack but I'm not sure if the students near the area are safe . "

Jinni stopped talking and started gasping for air .

" Are you well ? ", one student asked

" Maybe she's just hallucinating about things ", another students add in .

" I swear , I'm not imagining things " Jinni defended herself .

Everyone started laughing when suddenly , without realising , a student from the hallway ran towards Jinni and started biting her on the neck .

Everyone looked at the atrocious scene in front of them . The teacher quickly ran to push the student away when suddenly it also attacked the teacher .

Everyone started screaming and wanting to leave the class by the back door but they didn't realised that there was also another infected person there .

One by one everyone got bitten .

There was a specific student who tried to stay calm and looked for another way to escaped . There she saw a window .

" Let's run to the window and climb down to the classroom below us ", she told her bestfriend

" ARE YOU CRAZY ?! WE'RE GONNA DIE ! ", her bestfriend shouted agitatedly .

" Then do u have another solution ? " she said in annoyance

Her friend was speechless .

" Just what i thought . Let's go before it's too late . ", she said pulling her friend .

Her friend went out first and found her balance so that she won't fall to the ground level .

On the other hand , just when Lily was about to climb out , she saw a girl sitting under the desk , hugging her knees and shivering in fear .

" Hold on ", she told her friend

" Wha-", her friend was caught off guard when Lily suddenly went back in .

· Lily pov ·

I quickly ran to the girl who's sitting under the desk , scared .

" Hey , let's go ", i said

" I- I'm sc-scared , wh-what's happening ? ", she asked

" I also don't know but let's go to a safer place for now " i said , holding out my hand .

The girl took my hand and we quickly ran to the window .

" U want me to go down from here ? ", she asked obviously terrified .

" Yes but don't worry , my friend is just over there . She's gonna hold u securely , so don't be afraid . ", i said reassuringly .

" O-okay ? ", she said , contemplating if she should go down but still tried her best to not be fearful .

While waiting for my turn , someone suddenly ran towards me and started attacking me . I managed to dodge the attack but i accidentally lost my balance and dropped to the hard ground with a loud thud .

' fuck ' i cursed myself when i saw the others started heading towards me .

" Are u okay Lily ? ", i could hear my bestfriend , Haewon , worried voice .

However , because of the sound she makes  , the infected people all started heading towards them instead .

I quickly stand up and hit the table , doing anything to get their attention back to me .

Surprisingly , it worked , i got their attention back .

" Just find a safe place first , and please help me take care of that girl . I promise i will find u ", i said before running out of the classroom through the front door .

I could hear my best friend shouting something but i really have not much time left , i really have to find a safe place myself .

Running out the classroom was a bad idea because i have to dodge more people at the hallway .

' tho fuck is happening to this school ? '

Survival | Twice Straykids Itzy NMixx Zombie AuKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat