𝐊𝐞𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲.𝐩𝐭𝟐

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❀Backstory❀: After the fight you and JJ made your way over to the pouges. We were all too tired to walk home so we decided we were all going to have this big sleepover at John Bs.
However today was Friday and everyone was in a deep slumber to the point were we didn't even realise we slept through half of that day. The thing that happened every Friday was a dinner with the Cameron's and sometimes kelce and Topper would join. You were running late as usual.
In this you also have a brother just for the plot

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I groaned and rubbed my eyes waking my self up. I looked over at a clock which hung above a photo of a young me and John b. How cute. The clock read 4:30. "Shit I'm late!" I said whilst jolting out of bed. This cause JJ to also spring up looking alarmed.

"WHOS THERE?I HAVE A GUN" JJ yelled with both first up to protect himself. "Everyone knows you have a gun. ESPECIALLY after last night" pope added. "Oh your up?" I questioned. "We are all up. Thanks to JJ" someone's in a mood. "Hey guys I've got to go like now" i said as I rushed and grabbed my skateboard. "Hey cupcake where are you headed?" JJ asked.

"It's Friday today isn't it?" I responded. "Yea what's so special about Friday cupcake?" JJ asked pouring me a cup of orange juice that was probably out of date. "Ever Friday at dinner time the Cameron family join us for dinner!" I answered. "Ohh shit" Kiara sighed. " I know kie trust me." I sighed. I couldn't imagine the amount of awkwardness that was going to happen over the dinner table. What if todays was one of them days where topper and kelce tagged along because of the friendship they have with my brother.

"Nooo we were gonna go surfing at like 5 cmonn" John B pleaded. "what time do you have to be there" pope asked.  "Well at 5 to help my mom prep. But they usually come at like 6:45" I responded. I looked over to see Kiara do her stupid puppy eyes.I couldn't say no so I saw my self surfing from 5:00 to 7:00. Shit.

"Okay guys not I have to go!" I shouted as I picked my skateboard and headed home. "I'll text you all later I love you all!" I yelled before riding around a corner. I was rushing so fast to the point where I didn't even put any clothes over my bikini.It was peaceful. Just me myself and I listen to Alex g whilst the wind wrapped it hands all over my body. I liked it like this . This was the time where I could just think about life and stuff.

I did a kick flip off my skateboard and parked it into the garage. I walked in with one airpod in completely ignoring the whole table that was set full of people behind me. "Taking hits for youu" i sang under my breath. A cough interrupted my peace.

"I'm glad you could finally join us" my mother sarcastically said. I turned around still wearing my brightly coloured bikini that fitted my body perfectly. It was like it was meant just for me.

I glanced over at the boys kelce, Rafe and topper who seemed to have stopped eating. I smirked at Topper just trying to trigger him but his face went bright red. That was supposed to annoy him but I guess he liked it. His flustered face was interrupted by the jealous girlfriend who sat opposite of him. "ow" he muttered under his breath. I couldn't help but snigger at the whole thing. "I'll be upstairs if you need me" I said to my mother as I stared at my phone that received a text from JJ.

"No you don't misses!" My mother said but I was already half way up the stairs. "Sarah, topper can't help it okay. I will admit y/n is one hot pouge." Kelce stated before throwing his hands up in defence. "Ew gross man that's my sister" my brother said. "And she's not a pouge!" My brother spat.

"Speaking of Pouges" my mother began. "I heard there was an incident on the beach regarding a pouge and a gun" my mother suggested. "Oh yea do tell us about that" ward instead . "Yes ma'am there was" topper replied with. "Yea erm a fight broke out and" topper was interrupted by Sarah who immediately added "JJ put a gun to Toppers head and y/n got a beer bottle and smashed it on his head!".

"Is that so" my mother asked. Now I knew I was in deep shit. "Y/n sweetie come down!" My mother pleaded. Rose took a sip of her whine. "Guys we might get real entertain from this"

I ran down the stairs this time with a t-shirt and some denim shorts. "Please sit darling" my mother insisted. I was a bit hesitant at first but I did what I was told. "So I heard about- she was cut off by me who clearly wasn't having it. "Oh my god what did these guys say to you!?" I questioned. "Well sweetie they said you...did you attack someone?" My mother asked. I huffed and slumped into my chair. "I only did what I had to" .

"Oh so smashing a beer bottle on my boyfriend's head was really necessary!?" Sarah yelled . "First off all princess this shit would've never of happened if your ass didn't come in the first place!. Second of all you have like 6 boyfriends a week you whore!. First it was Lenny who you cheated on then Henry who you also cheated on and topper your next so don't got your hopes up man."I retaliated back. "Let's all calm down" ward insisted "no no dad I'm loving this" wheezie whispered.

"He could've had so many stitches because of you!?" Sarah yelled . "Yea but he hasn't okay be fucking grateful!" I shouted back. "Any higher and you could've given him a concussion!" Sarah implied. "Thank you I'll remember that for next time!" I sighed whilst rolling my eyes. "Listen non of this would've happened if Topper didnt try to drown John B!" I yelled back.

"Woahhh this got a lot more deeper" wheezie shouted. "Dont make me drown you like your old man. Yea remember that topper!" I rolled my eyes. "He could've died because of topper" I sighed.

"Topper?" Rose questioned with some concern in her tone. "Well- he couldn't finish his scentence . "Well what huh? You started it and we ended it. Just be grateful that I knew what I was doing." I demanded. "What do you mean" kelce added. "Well I'm not dumb if I wanted to kill topper I would've. I knew that wasn't going to do serious damage trust me." I sighed. "Oh well...you still did damage" My mother added . "Are you kidding me?! it was that or John B was gonna be dead. Rafe you was there you saw John B almost die back me up on this" I pleaded. I thought because of what happened yesterday he would have some sort of sympathy for me.

"you could've killed him y/n" I was wrong. I sighed and looked down. I couldn't believe him "Why are we more focused on Topper getting hurt and ignoring the fact that Topper almost killed a whole human being. If I didn't do that I would be attending my best friends funeral. Fuck that." I muttered . "You're a kook born and raised why do you hang around them!" Sarah questioned

"You want me to call my self a kook but this is how kooks act. You all think your better than everyone else well your not. You literally treat people differently because of a fucking title. You're not shit Sarah. If this is how a typical kook acts then I'm not one of you." I sighed. "Hey Y/n" I turned around to see an innocent JJ. He turns to see the table full of kooks not fully invested in this drama. "You seem busy...I can leave" he tensed up ready for flight of fight. "No JJ perfect timing I was just leaving" I walked over to him as I wrapped on hand around him. He placed his other hand on my waist. "Hey no we are not finished!" Sarah yelled.

"fuck you kook."


☆𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬☆حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن