𝐊𝐞𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲.𝐩𝐭𝟏

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★Backstory★: you and the Pouges announced that there was going to be a keg party on one of the beaches on the cut. The infamous kooks come along(Rafe, toper and kelce) and they make the party more... interesting
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"One beer for ma'lady" JJ snag whilst giving me some wild concoction of alcohol. "Oh why thank you good sir" I said with a fake posh British accent. I swiftly moved the cup towards my lips and took a sip of the mysterious drink with a pinky in the air. "Oh shit we have a royal EVERYONE BOW DOWN" pope suggested whilst giggling to him self. "Wait guys how are we getting home we are all pissedd" i said groaning at the thought of walking all the way back to the château. "I HAVE to stay sober so at least one of you won't die" John be replied. "Okay so that means I can have fun. That's all I need to here. See yaaaa!" I giggled as I walked over to kie and some people.

"Hey kieeee" i wrapped my hands around her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Who are these lot?" I questioned tilting my head and squinting my eyes to read "free the turtles!" on a badge. "Ohhh hell no I can barely put up with you and all the 'turtle's rights' shit" I said grabbing kies hand and pulling her away from the group. "Heyy! Stop they were actually interesting- what the fuck is she doing here" kie stopped in her tracks she was just glaring at someone. Probably someone she didn't like because her nostrils were flared which wasn't always a good sign. "Heyy ladies what's up with kie?" JJ asked as he waved his hand over Kies face. "Piss off JJ. Look!" She pointed at some blonde who was sat on top of a telephone booth.

She put one hand on her forehead and watched over the distance. "That bitch reminds me of a fucking pirate the fuck looking overseas for treasure" JJ said laughing. "AHA honestly like main character moment for reall" me and JJ were laughing our heads off to the point were we didn't even notice kie was trying to talk to us. "That's Sarah fucking Cameron"

"Ohhh shit" I whispered into my beer cup. "Wait what the fuck is she doing here?" I asked looking over at her. "That's what I just asked babe" kie sighed . "Even worse her fucking stuck up boyfriend is here" JJ said pointing at a tall blonde guy. "I swear his name is some dumb shit like cooper orrrr popper" I asked. "Topper. He's name is topper and I fucking hate him" JJ spat out. "How about i have Sarah cause I hate her and you have her boyfriend cooper" I suggested to JJ "Sounds like a plan!" And as soon as JJ said that, we were on our way to confront the two. "Wait no! GUYS!" Kie followed.

"Hey, hey Sarah can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" JJ asked the blonde girl. "No..no thanks". "Cmon is it not fancy enough for you?" I snorted at JJs sly comment which lead her to glance over at me. "No we were just leaving" she remarked. Her comment made Rafe and kelce stride over. Even Rafe slanted on the same tree I was on just watching "Hey you know what I'll take it" her boyfriend interrupted reaching for the cup. "Boo! No fun" I pouted. Rafe chuckled to him self. "You really are a shit sturrer aren't you" I looked into his deep blue eyes as he moved closer to me. "I would kiss you right now but you've probably got coke in between your teeth" i sarcastically smiled.

"I'll- thank you man I appreciate it" topper lied in JJs face. "That's nice but I didn't ask you" JJ pulled back the cup. "I mean if you said pretty please then maybe" JJ said mocking the rich kook. "Ohh pretty please? Pretty please?" topper said sarcastically. "Yea but you didn't so- Sarah do you want" he was cut off by a cup of beer being splashed on his face by topper.

"Ooookay not today" JohnB said whilst grabbing JJ away from topper potentially breaking a fight. "Your so funny man!" JJ laughed. "Dirty Pouges!" topper hissed. My whole body was filled up with anger that I didn't care about anything else my full attention was at topper and his nasty comment. John B snapped and pushed topper which hopefully put him in his place. But it didn't. "We're supposed to be incognito remember?" Pope remarked but it was no use. "Babe babe babe babe!" Sarah shouted but topper wasn't listening. A punch collided with John Bs face putting him to the ground. Topper kicked and kicked till John Bs full body was almost under water.

"Hey John B don't make me drown you like your old man" Topper mocked. Just like that's John B sprung to his feet and rugby tackled topper face first into the water. At this,point everyone was crowding over them. "Guys seriously stop!" Kie yelled. "Stop it!" Sarah yelled after. Me and JJ on the other hand...we went for a different approach. "KICK HIS ASS JB?" I shouted. "BEAT HIS FANCY ASS!" JJ followed on with. Rafe laughed in amusement but I didn't care I just wanted to see topper eat dirt.

More punches were being thrown and stress levels where high. John B became too weak to carry on and Topper took that as an advantage. Topper grabbed the back of John Bs neck and plunged his face into the sea water . Not giving him enough time for him to even breathe. He was drowning him. "Not rooting for your boy now ?" Rafe laughed as he saw the disappointment in my face. "Yea y/n get your man up" Kelce giggled. I stood there fiddling with my fingers in nervousness hoping for John B to get up. He took too long I had to do something. I looked over at JJ seeing the temptation on his face he also wanted to help him.

"Sarah get your psycho boyfriend the fuck!" I yelled at her. She just stood there power less looking at me. I hated the sight of her. "YOU USLESS BITCH" I yelled "if your gonna pussy out and not do something I will you cunt!" I hissed as I sprung into action. I grabbed Rafes fresh beer bottle, covered the opening with my thumb and shook it violently. "What the hell are you doin- I let go of the top and sprayed all the sticky beer on Sarah, Rafe and kelce. "That's what you get for being assholes" I yelled over all the commotion. I flipped them off before I ran to to topper with the empty beer bottle in my right hand. My good hand.

"Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING" kie shouted. I raised my hand up high and struck the beer bottle down on Toppers face. Glass shattered everywhere, people gasped and topper stumbled back with cuts and blood dripping down his face. "YOU BITCH" he yelled as he tightly gripped my hand. I couldn't wiggle out of his grip he was too strong. My instincts kicked in and I head-butted topper in the face cause his nose to bleed and for him to kneel on to the floor. "Y/n you okay!?" Pope questioned. "I'm fine don't worry about me worry about JB" I pointed at John Bs still body. I heard the sound of a gun reloading and all my attention went to JJ who had a gun aimed on Toppers head. "Yea you know what that is" JJ mocked smirking to himself. "Erm kie get your psycho friend!?" Sarah screamed. "SHUT UP STOP USING MY TERMS BE ORIGINAL" i rolled my eyes.

I helped John b get up as he seemed to regain his consciousness. "Okay JJ thats enough" I reassured him but he was in a heavy trance. He wanted revenge. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU JJ!" pope screamed. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" kie yelled . Pope finally pushed him out of his trance which made JJ realise how many people were watching. "ALRIGHT PEOPLE GET THE HELL OFF OF OUR SIDE OF THE ISLAND" he yelled which was quickly followed by two gun shots. Everyone was screaming and running away. At least JJ accomplished something. Kie and pope wrapped John B's arms around their neck and slowly walked over to the Twinkie.

"That means you too princess" I spat and I nudge past her with JJ by my side. "Oooo that's gonna need some stitches" JJ huffed.


☆𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬☆Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin