Cake at Stake

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Laotian: Time for Bake at Cake!

Intro: All the points are gone, we a free of them now but we look on, to the moment that we see, the next slice of cake, a step closer to the prize bought on at Cake at Stake!

Laotian: Fun!, you lost first for really scaring Woody with a Pin jumpscare, so you're up for elimination first! Today's cake will be Bread and Butter Pudding!

Pin: Looks yummy!

Coiny: Shhh!

Laotian: We received 3 votes! Barf Bag, Coiny, Donut, Needle, Pin and Stapy are all safe with 0 votes!

[Barf Bag, Coiny, Donut, Needle, Pin and Stapy all get cake]

Pin: How do I eat this?

Coiny: Use a spoon.

Pin: Okay! [eats her bread and butter pudding with a spoon]

Laotian: Firey and Yellow Face tie with 1 vote each, who will be getting out? You decide!

Barf Bag: Yellow Face's commercial powers give us perfect strategies!

Coiny: I really can't stand being with Firey any longer.

Laotian: Okay, time for Firey to be extinguished!

[Yellow Face gets cake]

Yellow Face: Have you ever wanted to enjoy bread and butter in a more yummier way? Then try Laotian's bread and butter pudding!

Firey: NO! This is all your fault, Coiny!

Coiny: We can't have you winning another season!

Firey: CURSE YOU- [wiped out by Laotian]

Laotian: Death P.A.C.T. Yet Again, you lost second because you scared Woody by making him look at someone who's mostly grey.

Laotian: Bottle, Lightning, Liy, Pen, Pillow, Remote and Tree, you're safe with 0 votes!

[Bottle, Lightning, Liy, Pen, Pillow, Remote and Tree all get cake]

Bottle: Bread and Butter Pudding? I've never tried this!

Remote: According to my research, it's an old-fashioned dish which combined buttered triangles of bread, raisins, sugar, eggs and milk.

Bottle: That sounds nice!

Laotian: Which means Fanny has been eliminated with 1 vote.

Fanny: I hate getting eliminated!

Laotian: Fine, give me your last words.

Fanny: I hate ALL OF YOU, I HATE- [wiped out by Laotian]

Bottle: [eats her Bread and Butter Pudding] Ooh, I don't hate it, I love it!

[closeup of Bubble, who slightly frowns]

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