Training with the heroins and taimanins

Start from the beginning

Musashi: Hehe, I don't mind you explaining to your friends. Now then, shall we resume your training?

Rinko: Hai.

(With Goku and the others)

Goku: Ok, let's start with basics. Now I know you three done hand to hand combat and weapons skills which is good. However, I need to know your powers. Hinata, why don't you show me yours.

Hinata: Um, you're sure you wanted to see mine?

Goku: Hey, don't be afraid. I would like to see it.

Hinata: O-Ok.*close her eyes as she took a deep breath while doing hand signs and open her eyes fast* Byakugan!

*close her eyes as she took a deep breath while doing hand signs and open her eyes fast* Byakugan!

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Goku (thoughts): So this is her skill. Man, I'm getting excited just looking at it.

Hinata: As you can see, when I use my Byakugan I can see my friends and enimies chakara, powers or quirk. My martial art skills is the gentle fist.

Goku: Gentle fist huh? Well that's sounds like a good one.*sees her deactivated it making her eyes return to normal* Ok, Yukikaze what's your skill?

Yukikaze: Well, we taimanins learn about ninja art style and elements.*summoning lighting from her hands* My element is lightning.

Goku: So, what your saying is that every taimanins has different ninja art style?

Yukikaze: That's right.

Sakura: My element and ninja art is shadow. With it, I can sneak by and ambush my opponent and I can also summon animals made out of shadow. Like this!~*use her ninja art to summon a shadow shark flying up and splash on the ground*

Goku: Woah! That's awesome!

Yukikaze: What about you, Goku?

Hinata: Yes, we also want to see yours.

Sakura: Come on, show it to us!~

Goku: Well, alright.*turns to the lake as he put his hands together as blue ki is shown**thrust his arms forward making big waves*ha!

Yukikaze/Hinata/Sakura:*eyes widened as they see him fire his Kamehameha making the lake splash* Woah!/*gasp*/ No Way...

Goku:*turns to the girls* So, what do you think?

Sakura: That was amazing! You've gonna teach me how to do that!

Yukikaze: Hey! I want to him to teach me how to do that too!

Hinata: M-Me too!

Goku: Hey, hey there's no need to fight. We'll start doing that for awhile in the meantime, let's head inside. Musashi and Rinko are inside and preparing food.

Sakura: Oh good, cause I'm starving.

Goku: Ehehe, we all are.

(Sominel - Throne room)

At the throne room of Sominel, a beautiful woman with blue hair was on her throne meditating. Her name is Lumera, ruler of Sominel.

 Her name is Lumera, ruler of Sominel

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(Lumera's dream)

Lumera: *opens her eyes as she looks around seeing nothing but darkness* Where am I? Alear? Anyone?*sees a light* Hmm?*walk towards it* What's this?*starts touching it till it burst of light shown making her cover her eyes* Ahh!*

Lumera block her eyes from the brightness till she sees a shadow figure reveal himself to her.

Lumera: Wh-Who's there!?*eyes widened seeing a person who's power is godly* Ngh!?

...?: ...

Lumera: Wh- Who are you

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Lumera: Wh- Who are you...?*sees the light turning bright* Wait!


Lumera:*opens her eyes fast as she screams* Ahhh!*deep breaths* That vision...could it be real?

...?: Mother!

Lumera:*sees her daughter running towards her* Alear...

Alear: Are you alright?  I herd screaming, what happened?

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Alear: Are you alright?  I herd screaming, what happened?

Lumera: A vision.*gets off the throne* I see a vision of a warrior who's powers of an angel.

Alear: A warrior with powers of an angel?

Lumera: Yes. We must find him. He could be the key to defeat the Fell Dragon.

Alear: I'll bring my friends too. Maybe they can help us find the person we looking for.

Lumera: A wonderful idea. Gather your friends, we leave now.*sees her daughter nodded as she left till she spoke to herself* Whoever's that warrior, may not only defeated him, but to save the world from corruption.

To be continued...


Updated: 05/07/2024 - 8:58 a.m. - 7:06 a.m.

Published: 05/11/2024 - 7:06 a.m. - 7:07 a.m.

The Only Male Who Has The Power of Son GokuWhere stories live. Discover now