It might be Heaven, and it might be Hell...

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Sounds of the kids chattering, their parents whimpering goodbyes to them as they leave, the train doors closing and bags hitting against the doors fill my ears. The open train door is a new beginning, but I cannot stop feeling skeptical. A guy pushes past me, making me trip over the little entrance stairs. He doesn't even glance at me, no 'sorry', he runs to his peers, disappearing in one of the million compartments.

Something in me shudders. It tells me to follow him. I should have a chance even to befriend him and his pals. But I do not. I find an empty compartment next to the door, it just reeks of calmness here. Although it is tiny, and my bag leaves me pressed up against the window, I find it more comfortable than having to smell the sweat of others.

The train takes off, leaving me with a few hours of free time. Usually, I would pick up a book to pass it but I am still feeling a little drowsy. I glance at my watch, it is five after eight in the morning. Quite early still.

I press my head against the window, feeling the slight vibrations from the moving train. Surprisingly, the sky is bright and sunny today, not something I would expect in Autumn. Orange clashes with rosy pink, reminding me of those striped birthday hats muggles wear. The inventions of muggles don't exactly amaze me, but I think we should bring those party hats into our world. They'd brighten up the view of dull birthdays.

The sliding door opens. Maybe it's the Trolley Witch my mother told me about. She didn't tell me the witch would be so greasy-looking. Well, I can tell she doesn't sell shampoo.
She tilts her head... he.

It's a guy.

"May I sit here? The other compartments are stuffed."
My eyes travel around the compartment. He could fit here, if he really wanted to. "I don't have lots of stuff," he adds.

I nod. I don't have much to lose, I knew I'd end up next to some teen who doesn't know what hygiene is, sooner or later. Eh, I should chill a little. I don't know him at all, maybe he isn't so bad.

He sits down, his hunched figure jumps a little from the vibrations of the train. He must be very light.

We sit in silence for a while. I can feel him eyeing me, or he might just be trying to glance out the window. Might as well try small talk. Nothing to lose, right? Nothing to lose.

"How's living in Hogwarts?"

"I haven't seen you here. Are you new?"

Looks like we had the same idea.

I chuckle. "Did my question answer yours? I am new indeed. My turn now. How's life at Hogwarts?"

"It's alright, I guess. I don't have anything to compare it to, so you should answer the question. Later..."

So I'll have to figure out myself.
"Understandable," he shrugs. "What's your name?"

"Severus, Severus P-Snape."

"Severus P Snape?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Just Snape," he mutters.

"Okay, just Snape. I'm Vincent," I think for a second, "Or Vince."

"Vincent it is, then," I frown. He rejected my offer to go by a nickname.

The conversation doesn't stick, we sit in silence for the rest of the ride. Just when the train stops, a blonde guy with fascinating long hair stands in the doorway of our compartment. It seems that Severus knows him.

"Hey, Severus," he leans in, and Severus stands, "So there's this thing..."

The badge on his robes says 'PREFECT'. I wonder what that is. My mother didn't tell me about that yet.

"...and you're gonna have to share your dorm with him from now on. Dumbledore's wish. He said, he wants you to socialize more, and this is the best chance for it."

Severus scrunched up his brows. "I have enough friends."

"It's not about friends, Severus. He said something about stepping out of your comfort zone," the blonde stated calmly.

"But Lucius-" Lucius had already turned and left. He sits back, a mimic of frustration on his face.

"What's wrong?" The words slip out of my mouth. Fucking therapist. Severus turns to me, his eyes meeting mine for the first time.

"You. You're wrong."


I find myself under a black hole. Okay, I'm being dramatic. Under a small black hole. The Sorting Hat. It doesn't take much time to sort me into Slytherin. Just like my mother, I expected it. I squeeze in between some students on the bench by the Slytherin table, barely listening to what the wizard at the front is talking about. I assume he's the one Lucius called Dumbledore. He seems like an important individual here.

On the table appears different types of food. Too bad I'm not hungry. I had a few snacks on the train. I turn to my right to pour myself some suspicious lemonade, but I get greeted with the face of the same guy from earlier, Severus. How did I not notice him before? He's the only person I know here, if you can even say that.

Dinner comes to an end, the sky gleaming in dark blue shades filled with stars. I've probably spent too long looking out the window, but you can't blame me, there was nothing else to do.
"Come with me," Severus stands up, "I'll lead you to our dorm."

"Our?" He didn't seem too happy about it. I wonder why. I'm still quite indifferent towards him.

"Yes, our," he grunts, "We're going to share a dorm from now on."

He leads me to the dorm rooms. There, my own bag greets me. A smile appears on my face. I had even forgotten about it.

As I am unpacking most of my things, I notice a timetable on my bedside table. Magic is really all around us, isn't it?


I lay under my new sheets. So that's what Severus meant when he told me I'm the problem. He lived alone until now. He doesn't want me here.
I glance at the other side of the room, my gaze falling on his back. He's breathing calmly, maybe even asleep already, who knows.
I won't blame him. I wouldn't want anyone disturbing my peace either.

I keep letting my mind wander to different topics the whole evening. I don't mind it. My little ponders are my peace, just like this dorm is to Severus. Or at least I assume.

End To Solitude [Masc OC/Y/N x Young Severus Snape]Where stories live. Discover now