''You're one to talk,'' I chuckle.

''Right,'' Jenn calls out behind me. ''Who's the hottie in the suit you walked in with?''

Soyan rolls her eyes, but there's not enough make-up in the world that could hide those cheeks changing color. ''Nobody.''

Before we had a chance to press her on it, the doors swung open and Isabella walked in, notepad in hand and all.

''Ready if you are, hon.''

A group prayer and some finishing touches later, and we were ready to go make our grand entrance. With a deep breath, I followed behind my bridesmaids as they walked out the door, my nerves threatening to overwhelm me. All those people were going to be staring at me, and if there's one thing I can't handle, it's people staring at me.

As the doors swung open, Isabella took the lead, striding purposefully down the aisle, her confidence unwavering. I watched her go from the back, hiding out from the guests, a sense of admiration mingled with nerves churning in my stomach. She made it look so effortless. Maybe because she had done this before at her own wedding?

I had asked Cassie to be one of my bridesmaids also, but she unfortunately couldn't do it. She won't be in the country the upcoming few months, which is really unfortunate. I would have loved if she were here for my wedding. And as much as Joshua doesn't want to admit it, he would have loved it if she were here too. She's like a little sister to him.

Maybe that's why they fight like siblings.

Then, it was Jenn's turn. She stepped forward with grace, her radiant smile lighting up the room as she made her way down the aisle, her eyes fixed on the altar ahead. I couldn't help but marvel at her poise, her elegance, her unwavering self-assurance. She looked incredible.

Next was Ivana, her steady stride belying the nervous flutter in her stomach she said she had before walking out. She wore her heart on her sleeve, her joy infectious as she took each step closer to the altar, looking like a real life doll in her beautiful dress.

Lastly, Soyana followed suit, her presence commanding attention as she glided down the aisle, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She exuded an aura of calm assurance, as if she had been preparing for this moment her entire life.

As I watched my best friends walk down the aisle, a sense of awe washed over me. They were each so different, yet all equally radiant, as if illuminated by the same inner light that guided them forward. And here I was, clinging to my father's arm at the back of the church, feeling more nervous than I had ever been in my life.

But then, as the music changed and it was my turn to step into the spotlight, everything else seemed to fade away. With each step down the aisle, the nervous energy that had gripped me moments before dissipated, replaced by a sense of calm determination.

And then, there he was. Joshua. His eyes met mine, glistening with unshed tears, his expression filled with an emotion I couldn't quite name. But in that moment, it didn't matter. All that mattered was the overwhelming love and happiness that washed over me as I made my way towards him.

With every step down the aisle, the air seemed to crackle with anticipation, drawing me closer to him. The soft glow of the church lights danced around us, casting a warm embrace over our moment. As I reached the altar and kissed my father on the cheek, his hand extended to meet mine, and our fingers intertwined effortlessly. In that fleeting moment, our eyes met, and a wave of tranquility washed over me.

His gaze, filled with tenderness and adoration, enveloped me like a gentle caress. It was as if the entire world faded away, leaving only the two of us in our own little bubble of serenity. With his reassuring touch, I felt a sense of calm settle over me, anchoring me to the present moment. To reality.

In that quiet exchange, amidst the hushed whispers of loved ones and the soft strains of music, I knew that I was exactly where I was meant to be. With Joshua's unwavering presence beside me.

The beginning of our forever.


I'm literally so emotional. I can't believe it's a wrap for Joshua and Nara😭😭😭😭

Thank you all so so so much for reading the second book in the All Ours series. I know I haven't made it easy for you guys with the irregular updates, but I love you all so much for sticking by me and supporting me through every chapter. It means more than I could ever describe in words🩷

I am so excited to give you guys our third couple in the series very soonnn. Any guesses on who it's going to be? I have a feeling nobody is expecting it to be her, so I would love to hear what you think💬⭐️

Again, thank you guys- I love you

Until next time, my loves✨💕

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