Meet the Piastri's

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Pulling up to her Mum's house, Alexis didn't really know what to expect when she walked through the front door. She had called ahead to let her know she was coming, and that she was bringing Lando. Alexis had reassured her mother that he wasn't her boyfriend - which technically wasn't a lie.

Both her and Lando got out of the car; Lando practically kissing the ground once he was safe and out of a vehicle he hadn't been driving. Alexis rolled her eyes at his dramatic antics, shoving his shoulder playfully as she walked past him.

Lando grabbed her by the hand before Alexis could walk any further, making her halt and turn around to look at him. He squeezed her hand reassuringly; not saying anything with his words but his actions were saying plenty. She nodded her head at him, silently thanking him. He let go of her hand, holding out his pinky. Alexis locked her pinky with Lando's, their thumbs touching above their hands. He grinned at her, before their hands dropped and Alexis took a deep breath before they reached the front door.

She hadn't seen her Mum in person since she had told her about her plan of moving overseas with Oscar; her mother not even coming to the airport to see her off. Now here Alexis was, out the front of her Mum's house waiting for her to answer the door.

Alexis' Mum opened the door, pulling her reading glasses onto the top of her head as she smiled. "Hi, Alex."

"Hi Mum." Alexis smiled back, before her Mum pulled her into a hug.

They separated, Alexis stepping aside so Lando was in full view. "Mum, this is Lando. Lando, this is my Mum Tracy."

"Lovely to meet you." Lando's smile even made Alexis weak at the knees as he held a hand out for her Mum to shake. If her mother couldn't be charmed by him, this was going to be a very awkward visit.

"You too." Tracy smiled, their hands connecting and shaking for a few seconds before they dropped back to their sides. "Come on in."

As they walked in, a man sat on the couch who Alexis didn't recognise. It surprised her so much she stopped in her tracks, resulting in Lando walking into the back of her. He put a hand on her hip to steady himself, looking down at her with a frown.

Tracy cleared her throat, "Alex, this is Pete. Pete, my daughter Alexis and Lando-"

"Lando Norris?" Pete - the man who Alexis still had no idea of who he was or what he was doing in her mother's lounge room - interrupted Tracy.

Lando chuckled nervously, "Ah, yeah. That's the one."

"Pleasure to meet you mate. Love your work in F1." Pete stood up and shook hands with Lando.

"Cheers." Lando said as Pete sat back down.

Alexis watched the interaction, completely baffled. Not only did this random man interrupt her mother from talking but he also completely ignored greeting her. She looked from Pete to Lando, Lando shrugging at her.

Alexis turned to Tracy, "Mum-"

"Who wants coffee? I'll make some." Tracy ran off to the kitchen before Alexis could talk further.

"What the fuck?" Alexis muttered under her breath, completely forgetting about Lando and leaving him with whoever the hell Pete was and chasing after her Mum.

"Oh, hey sweetie. Do you know how Lando takes his coffee?" Tracy smiled innocently at her daughter.

"He likes flat whites." Alexis answered before narrowing her eyes at her Mum, "So, who's Pete exactly?"

"Just someone I've been seeing. It's very early and very new." Tracy responded, keeping herself busy with operating the coffee machine, her back to Alexis.

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