Forced Isolation

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Alexis woke the next morning to the sound of the front door slamming shut, as she heard Lily scolding Oscar for being too loud. She chuckled, before she sat up and stretched, her head immediately pounding. Her throat started to tickle, before she had a full blown coughing fit, sipping on some water to calm her throat. Alexis changed into a matching grey tracksuit set, slid on some fluffy socks and pulled the hood of her jumper up and over her head, before leaving her bedroom.

She spotted Oscar and Lily in the kitchen; Lily was using the coffee machine, as Oscar sat on one of the bar stools at the bench. Alexis coughed into her elbow as she moved through the kitchen, heading for the medicine cabinet.

Oscar immediately got up and ran to the other side of the kitchen, "Woah, stay back. I don't wanna catch your germs."

"Oscar!" Lily reprimanded him, before she spoke sweetly to Alexis, "How're you feeling, Lex?"

Alexis narrowed her eyes at her brother, before she responded to Lily, "Much better than a few days ago."

"That's good." Lily smiled.

"I'm glad to have you guys back though. I reckon I was starting to get cabin fever being holed up in here alone." Alexis said as she grabbed some painkillers and washed them down with water.

"Think we might have to hire a cleaner to deep clean the place, you've probably infected every surface." Oscar grimaced.

"Give me a break, Oscar. I didn't ask to get sick." Alexis huffed at how dramatic her brother was being.

"I'm just saying!" Oscar held his hands up defensively.

Lily placed a coffee down on the bench for Oscar, as he eyed it suspiciously, not moving from his spot in the far side of the room. The coffee was near where Alexis was stood, and he clearly didn't want to get too close to her.

"Oh my fucking god." Alexis rolled her eyes at him, before she picked the coffee up and held her hand out for him to take it.

"Hey! Why are you touching my coffee with your germy hands?!" Oscar complained.

"Oscar!" Lily told him off once more.

"You were probably exposed to way more stuff on the plane than you are here with me, you know." Alexis pointed out.

Oscar grumbled inaudible words under his breath, before he hesitantly took the coffee from Alexis, and then quite literally sprinted to the couch with it.

"Such a baby." Alexis laughed at his child-like behaviour.

"You're telling me." Lily giggled.


Oscar had banished Alexis to her bedroom, telling her she could only leave if she needed to use the kitchen or the bathroom. They'd argued back and forth, before she succumbed to his request, realising her brother wasn't going to drop it. Lily insisted she didn't have to isolate in her bedroom, and that she'd talk some sense into Oscar, but Alexis told her it was fine.

She settled under the covers, sitting up against the headboard before grabbing the book she was currently reading off her bedside table. She opened the page her bookmark was nestled in, diving right back into where she left off. Alexis didn't know how long she'd been reading for before she heard the front door open and close; muffled voices on the other side of her bedroom door.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you!" Oscar had shouted.

Alexis heard an inaudible reply from a different voice before Oscar spoke again, "Fine. It's your death wish."

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