That cute face

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Never compliment that unloved witch,

She might fall in love with you.

A SMALL exposure to that sweet monster

and she will cast a spell.

You better not call her yours,

She will possess you.

A Small potion of eye contact,

She is already threading the web.

Ooh! You don't love her,

Go and show her.

Telling is just love language for her,

She is already swinging her wand.

You told others that she is a good girl,

You smile bright in her eyes ,

Respecting her. Oh! You, a gentleman,

She is a Bratz in Barbie skin.

She left this place already,

You could never fulfill her hunger,

You cant be the one,

She knew it all along.

(P.s. Everybody has that someone special about whom they can't confess in front of other. I do had that someone one-socially-not-acceptable kind of love. It was mostly admiration but yeah it did happened. I cant have them so then their kid 'same age'. Good genetics and well done parenting. I fall again but didn't realized my best girly had eyes on that pal too. So, like a good friend I stepped back. Well it wasn't serious from my side, just a distraction. No one can deny a good face is just what you need when life is giving you soon-to-be-adult. But like all men he is a stupid moron. Confessed to the total Regina Gorge of our school. Got rejected like whatever. His audacity to reject my girly now boom! Btw my girly is a strong independent girly. She is the boss like forever and ever and ever. She is pumping in life.)

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