The Discarded Son

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The USSR was outside on the balcony with a cigarette in his mouth. He took a long drag of it before he blew smoke into the wind. He was staring at the snowy night sky. It was all so peaceful, until there were faint footsteps, which soon just drew closer. His eyes widened slightly as he got in a fighting stance, in case of any aggressor.

"..Who goes there?” He calls out into the chilly night air.

A tall teenager emerged from the shadows of the trees. His long platinum blonde hair blew in the wind along with his grey scarf. The USSR squinted his eyes in confusion at the intruder who felt so familiar. Alaska stood still, eyeing him.

“Hello, Father.” the teen greeted coldly as he stood stiffly, his scarf blowing in the wind.

"...Son..?” the USSR said, recognizing the teen's face. It had been years but a parent never forgets.

“Yea. It's me. Your son.” Alaska said, his voice cold and without kindness.

"...Is.. that really you?" His stance didn't drop as he said this.

Alaska took a few more steps, boots crunching in the snowy earth beneath them. “Figured I'd come see you since you couldn't be bothered to. I've come to implore you, father, stop with the nuclear threats and please take those missiles out of Cuba. You don't want nuclear war and neither do we!”

"...Son... You don't understand the bigger picture... I need to maintain this power.." This reply was also stone cold, it was as if Alaska's words didn't affect him one bit.

Alaska stood, eyes narrowing. “What happened to you? I remember when you were great…”

"...Do you?..." This question sounded like a genuine one. “...This World... Is full of hypocrites and liars... I can't trust anyone anymore.... I have become more paranoid everyday…”

“So you abandoned me for America to find and raise…” Alaska looks down at the ground, his expression still cold. “And start all this drama like the world didn't just go through a second world fucking war.”

"...Son, please do not mention that name....." He's clearly still very affected by The American situation, despite it happening years ago.

Alaska shook his head, “I thought I could talk some reason into you, but I see this was a huge waste of time.” Alaska says, tone full of disappointment.

"......" the USSR just stays silent, his gaze didn't drop from Alaska, but his eyes looked sad as if the thought of it was tearing his heart.

“But since I'm here, I have to ask you something... Father.”

"And what would that be?”

There was a brief pause before Alaska spoke, “Why did you abandon me?”

"....You wouldn't understand..." He looked away, as if ashamed for what he'd done. "My job as a leader-”

“-Is to protect the people and those close to you. And you're doing neither of those things.”

"......" the USSR stayed silent. He didn't try to make up an excuse or deny it. He was clearly at a loss for words.

“So let me ask you again. For the love of your people, take those nukes out of Cuba. Because if there's a nuclear war, you'll have no one left to lead....” Alaska's voice was cold as ice.

The USSR looked down as he sighed deeply. It's clear that he thought about this for a little while.  "...I'll do what the Cuban people will want me to do..." His voice was cold but it had sorrow in it. He was making a hard decision he knew he couldn't back out of.

“I would hope you make the right decision.” Alaska nods before turning away to make his leave.

"Son... Wait…!" The USSR said, his voice sounded like he was having second thoughts.

Alaska paused and slowly turned his icy gaze to his father.

"...Son... Could you forgive me…?”

“....” There's a long silence as Alaska deeply considers his words. “...I want to. But I have yet to heal from it. Maybe one day, and if you try to change your ways, we can repair our relationship. But for now, I need to heal.” He turns back around and walks away.

For the first time, he had a genuine surprised look on his face, clearly shocked by his son's words. He had tried his best to not hurt his son and yet, he hurt him deeply. He was aware of that, and he had a sense of guilt. Yet, try as he might, he didn't know how to express it. He watched his son walk away. He wanted to hug his son and tell him that he was sorry and that he loved him, but he stood still as he watched his son disappear into the distance.

As Alaska left, his heart felt cold and heavy. Yet somehow, there were tears streaming down his face. The love he still had for his father was there. It kills him inside knowing him and his father will likely never have a relationship. Not with who his father is now.

The USSR was still standing on the balcony. He was still staring at where his son disappeared with the same expression on his face. He just stood there, thinking. In the coldness of the night, he shed a single tear as he realized that he's probably never gonna see his son again.

The USSR, for once, felt remorse for his actions.

"I'm sorry... Son..." He mumbled to himself, it wasn't even audible, but he really meant it, and was clearly very guilty about his actions. In the cold snowy night, the Russian looked to the moon in the night sky, wondering how the hell he could take it all back.

The End.

The Discarded Son: A Hetalia Cold War One-shot Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat