I got you, babe

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Here's the one thing you never do when you're planning your ex-boyfriend's wedding and thinking about your cheating ex. Don't ever drink. You make terrible decisions because your mind is clouded with alcohol.

While eating, Cheryl, Valentina, and I polished off three bottles of wine. Then, we got the bright idea of singing karaoke. Hello, Uber! It's your friendly car service when you're drunk off your ass.

The Uber driver waited for us to pile into his nice, clean car while being obnoxious from the wine we drank. I need to pay him a nice tip for dealing with us.

"Where to, ladies?" The nice man asked.

"The bar on Fifth Street since it has karaoke," I slurred.

The driver glanced at me through the rearview mirror.

"I'll leave you a nice tip and a review." I gave him a cheeky grin.

The driver shook his head and drove to our destination. Once we arrived, we stumbled out of the car and tried to act dignified. I'm not sure how that works when you're feeling no pain. But you can't act drunk when you enter a bar. They will notice and kick you out. I planned to sing before that happened.

We straightened up and tried to act normal. I doubt the doorman believed us, but they allowed us inside anyway. We scanned the bar, trying not to laugh, but Valentina started it. She had to point out the terrible singers on stage.

No, really. They were horrible. They sounded like two cats fucking. Releases a high-pitched cat sound in pain.

We regained our composure and found an empty table with a thick ass binder. Oh, look. It's the same kind I have sitting on my counter so I can plan my ex's wedding. Isn't that fantastic?

"Who wants shots?" Cheryl asked.

Valentina and I raised our hands.

Cheryl laughed and waved at us to put our hands down. "You're not in class. No one is going to call on you."

"But I like to feel special," Valentina pouted.

"We need tequila!" Cheryl threw her arm up.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because tequila makes your clothes fall off." She raised her finger and grinned.

"Good point. Tequila, it is!"

I told you drinking leads to bad choices. And mine was about to get a whole lot worse.


I searched the internet on my laptop to find a beach for a wedding. We could use the beach on Lake Michigan, but the color tour would happen around that time.

I never got the color tour. People travel out of state and in state to see the different colors of the leaves on trees. It's autumn. Our leaves turn colors, fall off, and die. Then you get stuck taking a bunch of dead leaves from your yard. You're lucky if you have a leaf blower/mulcher.

The beach on Lake Huron seemed much better—less traffic and people. The color tour would keep them busy while we had a wedding.

I needed to convince Madison to take an impromptu trip with me. How would I do that?

My phone rang with Michael's name flashing across my screen.

"Yes? What are we plotting now?"

We're not plotting anything. I need your help.

"With what?"

Madison, Valentina, and Cheryl are at the bar on Fifth Street singing drunken karaoke.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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