It's Complicated...

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I was looking out at the ocean from my back porch the waves crashed against the shore. Tears slowly ran down my face as I thought about what had just happened. Brad and I had just broken up after he cheated on me with my best friend. I've been cheated on, abused, used, and lied to in relationships. I mean if it keeps happening to me does that mean I'm the problem? Is there something wrong with me? And even if it's the guy, what do I do abou-

"Gabriella May Jean! get your fat ass in here!" That right there, well that's my heavenly mom.

"For what?!" I shouted back so she could hear me.

She didn't answer and there was a crash. I ran into the house to see what it was and found my little brother on the ground, basically sitting in a pile of broken glass, crying while my mom drove off down the road.

" Dabby, I dot a owie." Jace said to me. He still couldn't pronounce most things. He held his hand out to me and and there was a long cut in it that was starting to bleed.

"Hold on Jace. Let me call Jo and see if he can help." He nodded his head and started tearing up. "Baby, it's okay. Don't cry. Be strong like daddy, kay?" He sat there and tried not to cry while I got my phone and called my best friend.

The phone rang 3 times before he picked up. "Why in the world are you calling me this early? You better be dying." I smiled at that. This has been my best friend for 1 1/2 years and I've been in love with him for 2. He knows that I have feeling for him, but he said that I wasn't his type.

"Shut up Joey. It's 2 in the afternoon. And I'm not dying, but my dumb mom threw glass again and this time it hit Jace. He's bleeding pretty bad, just please hurry."

"Oh shit! Okay I'll be there soon." And with that he hung up. I sighed and walked over to the boy I loved most in this world and picked him up.

"Are you okay?" His big Brown eyes looked up at me and he nodded. We sat there for a minute until he spoke.

"Why does mommy hate me so much?" He asked. When he said that, it broke my heart.

"She doesn't hate you, baby, she just has lots of bad days." Right then Joey busted through the front door, breathing heavy and had messy hair. His cheeks had a hint of pink from being out of breath and he was shirtless. Jace jumped off me and ran to him.

"JoJo! Wook what I dot!" Jace held his hand up to Joey's face and Joey looked pissed.

"Here buddy. Let's go wrap that up." Jace ran to the bathroom and Joey looked at me. "'Are you serious? Honestly Gabby, what the he'll?!! You knew she would be home today! Why didn't you come over to my house?! This is the 5th time she's hurt Jace! Can't you tell that somethings wrong here?! She comes home wasted EVERY DAY!!" My eyes got watery and I looked away. Joey had never yelled at me.

"I didn't know she would be here. She was suppose to be away on business for the weekend. If I would have known, I would have made sure she left. Joey, I don't know what to do. Ever since my dad left, she has been crazy. Please just stop yelling. Jace thinks that she hates him and he still thinks that my dad is in the army." I started to cry and before I could fall to the ground, Joey caught me and hugged me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I'm just sick of her hurting you guys. Jace is only 4 years old. This monster could ruin his life." He hugged me tighter. And we heard Jace's little footsteps coming up to us.

"Ewe. JoJo sissy has cooties don't hug her!" He said in his cute little voice. Joey laughed and let me go.

"Don't worry. She washed all the cooties off her. Now gimmie that stuff so I can wrap your hand." Jace handed Joey something and Joey wrapped it around his had a few times, then told him to put it back. "My mom said that you and Jace need to stay at our place, so go pack your stuff and I'll help Jace pack his." He picked up Jace and walked to his room.

"Yay! Sleep over with JoJo!" Jace yelled. I smiled knowing that this is what's best for Jace and I.


After we got everything we needed packed up and loaded in Joey's 1997 black convertible V8 mustang with white racer stripes. I loved this car. I could just stare at it all day. I looked up at Joey and he was smiling at me.

"What?" I asked, folding my arms a glaring at him playfully.

"Oh, nothing." He smiled and shook his head.

We got in his car and drove about 10 minutes before we got to his house. Joey got our bags and carried them into the rooms we were staying in. Jace walked over and whispered something in Joey's ear.

"Sorry man, but you're gonna have to put up with it. The other guest rooms are being remodeled." Joey told Jace. Joey's house was really big and it was nice too. And I was completely lost in what the two boys were talking about.

"I'm a man. I can't share a room with my SISTER!" Jace said in disgust. "Why can't she share with you? You already have her gross girl cooties." I covered my mouth to try and hold back the laughter at the look on Joey's face. "Please JoJo! I'll love you forever."

"It's up to your sister bud." Jace looked at me with puppy dog eyes and I caved.

"Woohoo!" Jace jumped up in the air and dragged my bag down the hall to Joey's room.

"You ready for bed?" Joey asked looking at me. I nodded my head.

I went to Joey's closet and pulled out one of his shirts. I took off my clothes and set his shirt down to go male sure it was okay with him that I was wearing it.

"Hey Joey?!" I yelled.

"Yeah." I jumped. He was right behind me and I could feel his breath run down my neck causing shivers to run down my spine.

"I um your u-uh sh-shirt." he lightly bit on my neck. "Joey...." I breathed his name out. He trailed small kisses up my neck. "You....Ahhhhhh!" He reached my weak spot and started sucking, after he was satisfied with what he had done, he picked me up and tossed me on the bed. Pulling the covers over me, he kissed me on the forehead and snuggled up to me. His t-shirt forgotten and his head resting In between my breasts.



Authors Note

This is my first story so I hope you enjoy it.

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