Roxy: * Damn it! why is it so hard to admit my feelings to him. Is it because I'm an animatronic?* 

She needed advice, she looked down on the floor trying to figure out something to do with these feelings, she looked out to where Y/n left, She sighs to know how clueless he was when a girl likes him, But can she blame him no. Roxy then got a good idea. She checked the time, and it wasn't long until opening.

Roxy: Maybe vanessa knows why I'm having these strange feelings when I'm around Y/n.

  She walks out of her room, to find Y/n but she was going have to wait to confess if she did have a crush Y/n just went through a heart break yesterday after his parents abandoned him at this place, she growls at that couldn't get that image out of her fucking head.

Roxy: Oh, I hope Vanessa has the answers.

With Y/n.

Y/n was walking to the kitchen since he hadn't had. breakfast Yet, he was always curious about the food here. before he entered the kitchen, one of the bot staff appeared in front of him, startling him.

Y/n: Da fuck!

Bot staff: Take  a map, take a map, take a map.

Y/n groans annoyed he never understood these guys.

Y/n: No I don't need a map, I know this place in the back of my head.

the bot staff leaves, Y/n sighs. he enters the kitchen, he notices Chica eating pizza. Y/n smirks getting a good idea she doesn't know He's in ear.

Chica: Mmm, Pizza! my favorite time of day, even breakfast.

   Y/n tip toe quietly, and slowly while Chica was shoving pizza in her beak, She doesn't even know it yet. Once, Y/n got to it first he sticks his finger out taps her on her hip on the right, she glances to the right confuse. Chica shrugged, but the she was tapped on the left. The owner walks in to see Y/n having his fun wit Chica, who looked to the left, Y/n moved the the right. Chica knew this game really well. Once Y/n reaches her right hip, chica grabbed him, she smiles.

Chica: Gotcha ya y/n!

Y/n: Yeah you did.

The two laughed while the owner walks over to Chica to know why she was down here. Putting his hands on his waist.

Jake: Chica, your not stuffing pizza again are you?

Chica widens her eyes putting he arms behind her back whistling like nothing was happening looking around, this made Y/n laughed.

Chica: No.

Y/n: Really, why was is their pizza sauce on your beak.

Chica: You snitch.

Jake shakes his head.

Jake: Chica, I told you to wait before.

Chica: But it taste so Good! though cant blame me for that.

Jake sighs knowing that hey have the best pizza in all of America.

Jake: Well, It's a good thing were not Chuck E Cheese, those guys are disgusting.

Jake then looks at Y/n with a smile.

Jake: So Y/n did you sleep well?

Y/n nods with a smile that they took him in when he was about to thrown off the streets, Roxy being the best roommate he could ever have, even though she is his first roommate.

Y/n: I slept good, Jake, Roxy's the best roommate.

Jake scratches his chin, since he was fine having Roxy as his roommate then he would never bother of making a new room.

my autistic friend ( autistic male reader X roxanne wolf ) +18Where stories live. Discover now