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[a/n: i know we were just in september,, but we've time skipped to october.
tw:  themes of addiction ]

It was around 10pm and Bianca was sat on a stool in Amelia's studio. The two were procrastinating on starting the hairstyle, now it was late, they were only halfway through and starving. "My backs hurting," Amelia winged, rolling her shoulders and shaking her arms best she could while completing the braid.

Bianca rolled her eyes, "We should've started earlier," She said, "Like, this morning,"

"Well, I told you come for ten and you didn't even wake up until one," Amelia explained, "Then you didn't arrive until 3,"

"Mm, and then what?" Bianca asked, making Amelia go red, "Mhm, Cian came and took you away somewhere for like three hours because you didn't come back until six. We didn't even start until seven."

Amelia rolled her eyes, "Whateverr," She said, making Bianca laugh. Neither of them were organised, at all.

Bianca hadn't gone out much over the past month and a half due to what happened with Kameron. She was affected by it and the only thing she could do to deal with it was by sitting at home and smoking. The thing is she had lost a bunch of weight and her the rings under her eyes were now darker than usual. She only went out if it was for work, for example dress fittings, management meetings etc. She hadn't been in the public eye for a month, no Instagram posts, no new music, no tweets, no new tiktoks. She'd seen the speculation of 'Where's Bianca?' online but chose to ignore it.

Bianca had taken a month hiatus but now she was back.

"I'm so happy you're feeling better, Bia," Amelia said, "We've all missed you so much. We hadn't been out much since you've been unhappy,"

"I missed you guys, too," Bianca frowned, "I really wanted everything to just be normal again but I couldn't do it. Why didn't you guys just carry on, though?"

"We didn't want to leave you out," Amelia said, truthfully, "We went to drinks a couple times and chilled at Cians but the clubs, and everything to be honest, weren't the same."

Bianca frowned once more, "Well, I'm back now," She grinned, "I'm feeling sooo much better, I have a show on Friday to commence my internet comeback and everything, then we're all going to the afterparty,"

[NEW POST: Meliastyles]



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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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