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we back!!
tw: domestic violence

Bianca and Oakley hadn't spoken for a week. They couldn't speak without having that discussion. The discussion which starts with 'Are we gonna talk about what happened in New York? ' and ends with them either talking again or never talking again, not even as friends.

Although, the fact remains that the two couldn't leave each other alone. Even as friends they would always be flirting, texting 'wyd' at 2am, giving very friendly hugs. It was weird, but Kameron wasn't suspicious of anything neither was Madeline, she just hated Bianca.

Bianca hadn't told Kameron. Everything was normal for their relationship. He didn't suspect anything, he was just completely fine. She was starting to really like him however she couldn't help but be somewhat suspicious of him. He had one little thing off about him, he was very jealous. It was always little things that would agitate him. For example, if Bianca got a text from somebody (even just her brother) he would immediately take her phone and look for himself. But, she made sure that her phone was always on dnd, she didn't want to piss him off.

"I miss you while you were in New York," Kameron told her, the two were lying on his sofa. She had her head in his chest and his arm was around her, the other hand fiddling with her hair.

"I missed you too, sweetie," She responded, rubbing his arm, lovingly. "It was soo tiring, back to back rehearsals and then straight on stage. I could hardly sleep."

Kameron laughed a little, "And how was the after party?" He asked, as he stopped fiddling with her curls.

Her face dropped, "Yeah, it was fun," She replied, smiling and trying to hide her nervous voice. Has he found out about me and C? She thought.

"Mm, I saw your instagram," He said, "Didn't look like you missed me that much."

"What you mean? The picture of me dancing?"

"That's exactly what I mean," He said, pushing her away as he got up off his sofa and moving towards his kitchen.

She groaned, "Kam, they were smoochies. That's what the rappers called them in New York, anyways. We were just dancing. I wouldn't dance like that with another man if I'm with you, would I?"

"You were wining on random people! That's disgusting, Bianca, what the hell?"

"We were drunk! We were just having fun! Relax, for fucks sake," She grumbled, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"Don't tell me to relax, do you see me catching wines from random girls?"


"Exactly, so why are you giving them out?"

Bianca got up and sighed, going over to him and flattening the neckline of his shirt, "Babe, that's what girls do at the club, especially when we're drunk," She explained, in the most soothing voice she can fathom, "Rela-"

She was about to press her lips against his but she was cut off when he aggressively shoved her away from him. His strength and force made her drop to the ground with a thud, she tried to catch herself but instead she smacked her head on the back of a wooden chair. "Fuck," She yelled, her head pounding, "Kameron, what the hell?"

He ignored her and bent down, grabbing her shoulders and repeatedly punching her. "Get off me!" She screamed in pain, struggling in his grip.

"Unloyal, bitch!"

"Get off!" She managed to use the only strength she had to kick him away. Tears were streaming down her face and she was in surreal pain. He fell back, panting and shaking his hands. She didn't waste any time in getting up and grabbing her coat.

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