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location: nyc

Bianca and Oakley had been in new york for three days now. She had been busy rehearsing for the show all day everyday while Oakley was trying to fix his relationship with Madeline. His phone bill was crazy since his girlfriend just wouldn't see reason. Madz had seen the video that had been posted of Cian dissing her and everyone laughing, Oakley wasn't sure why she was mad because everyone was extremely fried in that moment so it wasn't that deep. He went with Bianca to nyc so he could get away from Madeline stress, but it seemed like she always found a way.

He was sat on his bed in the hotel room when Bianca arrived back, she looked exhausted and collapsed down onto her bed. "Last day of rehearsals is finally done," She said, flinging her bag to the side, "One day of freedom, one final rehearsal then, boom, on stage with Solána." She sighed, smiling to herself.

"Well done, B," He replied, quietly, "I'm proud of you,"

"Thank you," She beamed, "Wait... whats up with you?" She asked him, noticing the frown on his face as she sat up.

"Madeline," He sighed, and Bianca nodded knowingly, "She got mad about Cian violating her and said I was being disloyal for laughing even though I was literally fried... I don't know, she's just causing all this unnecessary stress."

"She needs to grow the fuck up," Bianca sighed and Oakley laughed, "I bet you wish you could get fried right now, huh?" She asked him and he laughed again.

"Yeah, except I didn't bring any wi-" He began but then Bianca started digging in her suitcase, "No way," He said, in disbelief, getting up from his bed and going over to hers.

"Way," She replied. She managed to get all the way to the bottom and pulled out a small paper bag which contained four pre-rolled spliffs and a pink lighter, "Wanna smoke?"

"Nah, Madeline don't like it when I smoke," He said and Bianca gave him a blank stare, "I'm kidding, bruv," He said and she rolled her eyes. She shoved 
her suitcase off the bed and the two sat down cross-legged together, lighting one spliff each.

Oakley gave a sigh of relief as he breathed out the smoke, "Needed that," He sighed, "Puffing the Madeline away," He joked and Bianca laughed.


A few hours later, once their highs had worn off, the two were sat in Bianca's watching some late-night tv. It was around midnight but their highs had made them crave Chinese food so they stayed up and ate it together on her bed. "Whats the club scene like in new york?" Bianca pondered, looking at Oakley.

He shrugged, "Dunno. I haven't been in a while," He said, cutting off his sentence by shoving noodles in his mouth.

Bianca rolled her eyes, "You just eat your noodles," She said, flicking his forehead. He looked at her in shock and quickly rebounding by playfully giving her a light slap on the forehead. She grabbed his wrist and pulled him close , the two both laughing loudly. "Don't you ever," She said, putting him in a light headlock.

"Ok, ok! I'm sorry, ma'am," He said, sighing of relief when Bianca let go. She may be smaller than him but she was strong.

"Mhm," She said, pushing him away. He lay back and laughed, his hand on his stomach. She smiled at him as she continued to eat her food. The two hadn't play fought like this since their relationship, it was fun. It felt normal again, no tension no nothing.

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