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JULY 12TH, 1978

THE DESIRE SWIRLS inside me as I see Nick's eyes focused on my mouth and then watch him lean down ever so slightly...

For one second only, I imagine what it would be like to have his lips brush against mine... I picture how gentle, precise, and caring his kiss would be... I envision the way it'd feel for his hands to run through my hair, to grip it, as he desperately moved his lips with mine in intense longing.

 I envision the way it'd feel for his hands to run through my hair, to grip it, as he desperately moved his lips with mine in intense longing

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So I don't dare move a single muscle. My breath was still hitched within my throat, and my eyes fluttered closed as he grew closer. He was close enough that I felt his breath fan my face. I feel his warm lips graze against mine - not quite a kiss, but a whimsical brush, just enough that I could feel them. It was almost as if he was waiting for confirmation from mine to proceed...

And I wanted to give it to him.

Ultimately, I force myself up into an abrupt sitting position and escape the close proximity of Nick. I couldn't do this. I just couldn't no matter how much I wanted to.

I started to dust off any loose grass strands that made it onto me during our rolling that led to that moment to distract myself. I refuse to make eye contact with him... "I'm sorry." Nick apologizes immediately, his voice full of concern that he's upset me. "I didn't mean to -"

"Nothing happened, Nick," I dismissed his apology. My tone was careless even though I was honestly finding it difficult to keep my self-control to not give into what I think was about to happen.

As I stood up from my spot beside him, Nick sputtered with a wavering voice of confusion,"I know, but -"

"Drop it, Nick." I spit harshly, crossing my arms over my chest defensively, while I bit down hard on my bottom lip. It was like I could still feel him, and my whole body was tingling.

"I- I'm sorry." His apology made my eyes tightly close as I wished I could tell him the truth - that I wish I could tear down my walls and open up to him... but I just couldn't take the chance that this all blows up in my face like I knew it would.

I begin rubbing my left arm with my right awkwardly as I express to Nick,"It's fine. I just think it's time for me to get back to my cabin. Ziggy is going to be wondering where I am." More than you know, I think to myself... I'm supposed to be pranking Kurt's precious car with her right now instead of rendezvousing with you.

And she was going to be pissed that I've taken this long.

I still couldn't bring myself to peek over at him because if I did, I'd have to admit to myself that I wanted him to kiss me... And that if I even caught a glimpse of Nick being crushed by my sarcastic demeanor, I would feel horrible for having intentionally caused it.

CRAZY FOR YOU • NICK GOODEWhere stories live. Discover now