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A/N - Woah damn, anyways I just realized I haven't included my most iconic chapter, the character designs, so expect one of them pretty soon- ANYWAYS, I have thought and taken your house ideas into consideration, and have decided on what houses everyones being put in, but I'm not telling you!!! Haha! Ahem, let me just quote something rq. AHE-AHEM.

'Spoilers ;)'

Guess who that was you guys, only REAL British people will know, ANYWAYS, WITHOUT FURHTER ADO, LET US START THIS CHAPTER OF HELLLLL!!!
Also, would you rather me refer to Uranus by
Uranus or Ouranos
During non-speaking scenes from the planets pov's? Because people will call him Ouranos, but the planets are still referring to him as Uranus in their heads.

Also, there will be some Mercury slander (bc venus), so if you're a Mercury fan, tread lightly and please don't come for my kneecaps, they are very precious to me!!

Now, you may be wondering.
"Earth? Why are you at Platform 9 3/4 getting onto the train with all your luggage? Weren't you at Hogwarts last chapter?"
Well, dear readers. YES. I was at Hogwarts, but then m- SATURN and Jupiter decided that we need to make friends before the ceremony starts, which might I add is bullshit because say I make friends with the main characters, Harry, Ron and Hermione, none of them would want to be my friend if I was Slytherin, and if I was friends with Draco&co. but got Gryffindor, they'd hate me as well, so there's a 50/50 chance I'll be able to actually score a friend who's relevant to the plot. Now, I could be Luna's friend, but wuh oh, she's in a year BELOW Harry. How do I know Harry Potter start's now? Because Uranus was conversing with DRACO MALFOY in Madam Malkins, and he's there when he talks to Harry before he leaves for first year.
I know, I know. No need to praise my intelligence-...You all thought I was stupid didn't you? Well surprise surprise, I'm actually quite SMART.

"Earth!! Stop writing in Ouranos' diary!!!"

Oh, and did I mention Uranus goes by Ouranos here? No? Oh well. He does and it's IRRITATING to have to cut myself off every fucking minute.
Am I missing something? Hm.

AH WHY I HAVE HIS DIARY!!! I wanted to write somewhere and this was the only paper, he gave it to me when I asked, just...told me not to look through it. And I am okay with that. OH NVM MARS IS GONNA SNATCH IT OFF ME, BYE READERSSS

"Earth!" Mars scolded after he had taken the diary, "Why-?!"
"Ur- Ouranos. Said I could have it." Earth fixed his mistake,
"Now come on!! We need to find a compartment!!! Specifically one with the mc's-"
"NOTHING!! Where's Venus and Mercury??"
"Oh fuck."

Venus and Mercury were sitting in a carriage with a dark brown haired kid, and a ginger kid.
There was a rather awkward silence before the ginger spoke,
"Well...uhm, hello. I'm Ron Weasley." He smiled nervously, probably nervous because Venus was the embodiment of a scowl at the moment, Mercury kicked Venus' leg, prompting him to introduce himself,
"Ow- Watch it pipsqueak." He hissed, before clearing his throat and introducing himself, "Venus Omorfia."
"Mercury Emporos!" Mercury introduces himself as kindly as he could with the scowling menace beside him,
"Oh, well uh. I'm Harry. Harry Potter."
"Blimey! The Harry Potter?! Do you have the scar?" Ron gasped and gestured to Harry's head, Harry nodded and moved his hair, revealing a lightning bolt scar, all of a sudden Venus felt his stomach sink, they were in that weird book series/movie series about a 'boy who lived' he supposed if he wanted to blend in he'd have to gush over Harry, he looked at Mercury, who was coincidentally looking at him as well. Venus muttered under his breath whilst Ron was gushing over Harry's scar:
"Just follow my lead..."
"The boy who lived, Harry Potter?" Venus raised a brow, arms crossed. His stare was curious, not judgemental.


Okay, maybe it was a bit judgemental. BUT the curiosity outweighs the judgement.
"Uh..." Harry smiled a bit confused, "Th-that's...true I think?"
"Do you remember what he looked like?" Mercury joined in, Venus thought for a moment, oh right! The time Earth was telling them about the Harry Potter series was one of the days Mercury was allowed to be with the rockies. He honestly forgot about that, since Mercury was so small and unnecessary it slipped Venus' mind.
"No, the most I remember is a green flash. Sorry."
"It's fine just curious." Mercury shrugged, Venus internally rolled his eyes, Mercury was shit at this whole 'act awed by harry's mere breathing' act.
"Hm, such a pity you can't remember anything, but hey at least you remembered you're a wizard, huh?" Venus commented, earning a glare from Mercury.
A girl with messy bushy hair opened the compartment door,
"Sorry for the intrusion, have any of you seen a toad? It's Neville's pet. I said I'd help him look for it."
Venus shook his head, Mercury sighed and was about to stand, but Venus grabbed the back of his robes, keeping him there. The bushy haired girl sat down next to Mercury, across from Harry.
"Hm, in amy case. I'm Hermione Granger." She pulled out her wand and aimed it at Harry's face, earning a startled jump from Harry, side eye from Ron, and a raised eyebrow from Venus, Mercury in all honesty didn't care and just wanted to pull a Uranus and sleep.
"Oculus Reparo" she says simply, lightly flicking her wand, fixing Harry's glasses.
Venus' eyes widened slightly whilst Ron and Harry gawped, Ron cleared his throat and attempted a spell on...a rat. It sounded like complete and utter foolery.
Apparently Hermione thought so too, "That's not a real spell!" But, unlike Venus who just rolled his eyes, Hermione proceeded to go on about magic and textbooks. Venus sighed, this was going to be a long journey.

Uranus and Neptune were sitting in a compartment together, Neptune is talking about how fun this is going to be, and unlimited tea for tea parties, whilst Uranus was resting his head on Neptune's shoulder. He's not asleep for once, he just doesn't like having to keep his head upright, he says the ring is too heavy.
"And we can have really cool wizard made cakes for our tea parties!!" Neptune excitedly rambled,
"Mhhh, that sounds nice." Uranus hummed,
"Oh! Maybe they have different flavoured tea!! Asteroid tea is boring!"
"'re right, Guillermo likes asteroid tea though, no?"
"He does! It just gets realllllyyyy boring at times!"
"Oh, makes sense." Uranus nodded,
The two kept back and forth with the short sentences, each in either a tired tone or excited tone, before a certain blonde swung the compartment doors open, coming in and sitting down opposite the cousins. A male was following him and sat next to him.
"Hello." The male said, rather politely.
"Hi!" Neptune smiled and waved enthusiastically, Uranus nodded as a greeting.
"I'm Blaise Zabini." The boy said, not thrown off by Neptune's overly happy attitude. "This is Draco Malfoy."
Uranus opened his eyes once that was said, and stared at Malfoy. The two 'friends'(?) looked different than when they first met, Malfoy looks tidier and his hair is gelled back. Uranus no longer has his ushanka on and instead has his long asf hair in a braid.
"...Ouranos Syneffa." He muttered, earning a glance from Malfoy, Uranus looked at Neptune and saw that he wasn't going to introduce himself, "this is my cousin, Neptune Okeanos." Upon hearing his name, Neptune looked at Uranus confused, but eventually realized it was an introduction and, since it was quiet, he went back to talking about tea parties, Uranus responding ever so often. Malfoy and Zabini seemed quite interested in the twos simple discussion about tea parties.
"Hmmmm, what flavour teas do you think Guillermo would like?"
"No, no, Guillermo hates strawberries.
"Hm, matcha?"
"Whats that?"
"...nevermind it..."
This idle chatter went on for a good while, before Zabini decided to join in.

"Have you tried cinnamon tea?"
"Ooo, sounds warm!"
"He hasn't yet..."
The compartment door slammed open, revealing a boy with blue, green and white hair.
"Oi. Nep, Ouranos have you seen Venus and Mercury anywhere???"
"You left them alone together...?"
"I didnt mean to! Mars was meant to be watching them, also here" Earth tossed a book to Uranus who caught it and set it aside.
"Thank you. Have you tried the compartments down there? We haven't seen them."
Earth nodded, "Sorry! Thanks!" And darted off, shutting the door.
"Who was that?" Malfoy asked, recognizing them from the robes shop.
"Earth Fysi." Uranus responded, before Neptune ended up taking control of the conversation and turning it into a talk about tea parties, inviting the two boys to come and join the cousins with at least one tea party.

A/N - Wrote this in my bed when I'm meant to be getting ready for school. I don't wanna go guys, its so boring there and i always fall asleep :'(

Planets in hogwarts?!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ