The last gazes

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The rest of the first school day was boring to be honest, finally everyone met in the great hall in the evening.
Oh how I missed that feeling in the summer break. The manor was exceptionally dark. Darker then it ever was. I was alone.  Draco's a death eater now and is in his denial-era.
Lastly, I don't recognize him anymore.
His silly laugh, his constant hate towards Potter, his expressive way to talk. Even his posture changed. He always looks like he's gotten beaten up. The only time we were talking, was when he told me the dark lord was coming to the manor and I should go to Sara's apartment. I don't think Voldemort is interested in having me as a death eater. But I still left the manor for days, even weeks.

Now I'm sitting in the dining hall. I'm not hungry.
Sara eats the raspberry-lemon jam like she hasn't ate anything in her whole life "Mhhhmmmm yummeŷëŷ" I hear from my left, I have the urge to smile.
She's so unintentionally funny. I'm lucky to have her.

"Miss Malfoy"
I turn around. Its Dumbledore. I stop smiling.
"Yes professor" what if he knows? What if he knows that Draco's a death eater now? What if he knows that the dark lord practically lives at my house now? What if-
"You'll come with me. And bring the Arab girl Asti with you"
"WHOOOOOO MEEEEE??" Sara said very slowly turning her head to the old man.
"I'm Kurdish, not Arab." 
She looks Dumbledore deep in the eyes while pushing a whole jam sandwich into her mouth.
She takes her nationality very seriously, I guess.
"I sincerely apologize Miss Asti. If you and Miss Malfoy would come with me now." he says while smiling nicely. He probably didn't thought that Sara could hear him.

Draco ist sitting alone. Not talking to anyone. Not eating. Once we were close. But that time is over now. Draco looks worried while I follow the old wise wizard out of the great hall. I quickly run to Draco and whisper "I'll be back and I'll tell him nothing. Don't worry. Twin promise." That's the first time I've seen Draco slightly smile, in a long time.  And the last time, for a long time. 

As we walk out Luna comes into the great hall, she gazes quickly at Sara and Sara at her. That was the last time they looked each other in the eyes. For ever.

"Miss Asti, Miss Malfoy, what do you know about the first time that the chamber of secrets was opened?"

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