t h i r t y - t h r e e

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Negan stepped forward to Rick swinging the bat round, "This is Lucille, and she is awesome. All this, all this is just so we can pick out, which one of you gets the honour."

He walked over to Abraham and laughed a singular time, "I gotta shave this shit." He walked down the line towards Carl, and on instinct I stalked over to his side, standing protectively infront of him.

"You got one of our guns." I watched as Negan crouched down steadily, glancing at me briefly before looking back down at Carl. "You got alot of our guns. Shit, kid. Lighten up, at least cry a little."

I eyed his every move as he walked back down the line away from Carl, and I took my spot between Maggie and Rick once again. Every single instinct inside of my body was screaming at me to run and take a chunk right out of him, but instead I remained stood steadily.

Negan slowed to a stop in front if Maggie, and I stretched up to my full height uneasily. "Jesus, you look shitty, I should just put you out of your misery right now."

He rose the bat, and I snarled up at him aggressively, while Glenn simultaneously shot forwards screaming no, only begging me on further.

I watched as Dwight knocked him down pointing a crossbow at Glenn, and I took a threatening step forward. "Nope, nope get him back in line."

I watched as Glenn was dragged back to his knees in his previous spot against his will, "Don't. Don't."

"Alright listen. Don't any of you do that again, I will shut that shit down no exceptions. First one's free, it's an emotional moment, I get it." Negan said smirking.

I shuffle back slightly and quieter down, glancing round to make sure everyone was somewhat okay as Negan continued on, staring down at Rick, "Sucks, don't it? Moment you realise you don't know shit."

I froze in my spot completely, a tingling sensation running up my spine as Negan grinned flicking his eyes between Rick and Carl, seemingly putting the puzzle together.

"This your kid right?" He asked trudging over to Carl pointing the tip of his bat, Lucille, at Carl.

"This is definitely your kid." He says chucking only to be cut off by Rick, "Just stop this!"

My haunches rise almost immediately, my tail completely still, along with the rest of me and I got ready to pounce.

"Hey! Do not make me kill the little future serial killer. Don't make it easy on me. I gotta pick somebody, everybody's at the table for me, waiting to work."

In that moment I struck forwards, my teeth sinking into the wooden handle of the bat, close to biting his fingers off, ashe yanked them back.

I ripit outhis grip and drop it on the floor, growling up at Negan who chuckled down at me, "Now that is the kind of guard I want and need!"

I felt my head being yanked back, as a slip chain sat round my neck, a lead attaching me to one of the saviours tightly, distracting me long enough for another to slip a black rubber muzzle over my face.

I snarl again, trying to get out the grip, barking at the top of my lungs, trying to break free, while being dragged back behind the line.

I felt a knee pressed down into my neck as I was forced to the ground, and I just remained panting heavily, slowly giving up realising I couldn't make my escape.

As I slowly relaxed, the man with the knee on my neck was revealed to be Simon, Negan's right hand man. I gave him a sharp singular growl, warning him to get off, which he did so, but not without slapping my nose through the muzzle.

I stood back to my feet, pulling tightly against the lead to get back to the others, the slip chain round my neck digging in tightly.

I focused my attention back to Negan to see him standing above Abraham, with Lucille pointed at his head. I should have ripped it to shreds.

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