Paint You Wings

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"Castiel Novak!" Yelled the boys father, Chuck. Cas flinched at the sound of his name and ran to his father. He ended up in his room to see his father standing there with porn mags in his hand. Not just any porn mags though. They were gay porn mags. "What the hell is this?!" Castiel fell silent.

"I will NOT tolerate gay in this house! I created you in a fucking test tube you failed experiment!!" He shouted. It was true. All the novaks were created by Chuck Novak, a scientist. He wanted to create a new life form but all he ended up with was giving his experiments wings. The colors vary on how the experiments act.

Castiel's are black because he's constantly disobeying. He's rebellious. Gabriel somehow ended up with six golden wings. Gabriel's the golden boy of the family. He takes care of everyone. Lucifers are red because of his sadistic nature. He finds pain amusing and if it wasn't for chuck he'd probably be doing BDSM. Chuck happened to be very religious though. Balthazar's wings are a misty champagne color since he's very classy.  Anna has wings a frothy pink color. They're that way because she's so kind. Almost angelic. Poor girl has autism.

Five. Five failed experiments. Five failed experiments with feelings and the need to be treated as humans. Of course Chuck does not understand that. "Answer me Castiel!" He shouts. "Porn magazines" Castiel says. His voice hardly audible. Chuck then rips them to shreds and tosses them in the trash.

Castiel stares at the can a few moments before he goes to his room shutting the door quietly as to not anger his creator more. He sighs and continues to get ready for school. He puts on his tan oversized trenchcoat and looks at his reflection. The sleeves hand past his fingertips but he doesn't care. He wears the thing so he can hide his wings which sit uncomfortably on his back. He then walks downstairs to join his family in breakfast. He takes a seat between Gabriel and Anna. Balthazar sits on one end and lucifer sits on the other. Chuck sits on the other side of the table directly across from castiel.

They all have waffles in front of them. Anna smiles as she stutters and slurs "good morning castiel!" She says. Castiel smiles pity evident on his face. "Good morning Anna" he replies. Of course Anna can't understand how pity works. Every time Anna is around Chuck never says a word. He just hangs his head in shame. Anna was more faulted then the others. In his mind she was his worst experiment because of her disability.

Anna was the oldest. She was first created so that's why she had the most flaws. Then it was Gabriel. When he appeared with six wings Chuck had gotten angry and tried to shave them off this explaining the small patch on his lowest left wing near his back with no feathers. Gabriel was just a baby at the time so he couldn't do anything. It's a good thing little two year old Anna grabbed him and hugged him tight saying she loves him.

Next was lucifer Chuck was happy with lucifer until he turned three. He began to laugh at Anna when she made a mistake and he'd hurt others. Then he created castiel still failed because the Experiments were all supposed to be straight because chuck believed it was a sin to be gay. Finally he created Balthazar. His final experiment. His favorite because Balthazar was the only one who finally came out right. Unfortunately Balthazar didn't favor him.

Chuck had many ingredients in his experiments and each time he failed he'd take one out. He had his mixture in a big bowl the shape of a newborn baby. All he had to do was heat it up to a boil and in about ten days that mixture would harden give it five more and it became a real living baby. After they are born it takes two weeks for their wings to fully grow. They start out white and as they gain a personality they slowly change color.

Chuck has ran tests on Balthazar since he turned 12. The final test was to see if they could reproduce. Of course he'd have to wait for that one. Castiel ate his breakfast, kissed Anna's forehead, said goodbye, and he was out the door. He plugged in his headphones.

"When will the princess figure it out she ain't worth savin. Heavy the head that bares the crown of my mistaken. Apathy for sympathy. I was never good enough to be anything but a remedy to all of your constant pressing needs and I never learned. So. I painted a picture of the things I wanted most to color in the darkest side of all my brightest hopes but there's a monster standing where you should be. So I'll paint you wings (paint you wings) and I'll set you free (set you free).

Hey! Sorry the video for the song isn't there. My wifis being crappy

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