Volume 0 Chapter 5: August 13th/Horikita SS #1/Failed Reaction

Start from the beginning

Suzune POV

Me {Today is Valentine's Day, and in the past I never really celebrated it until——}

Yoshida [Horikitaaaaa! Can you go to the cafeteria and buy me lunch?]

Me {He came into my life under Nii-sans request of course. Apparently I need to be "taken care of", which is so absurd because I am always taking care of him.}

Me [No, get it yourself. You have long legs, go walk to the cafeteria]

Yoshida [But walking is too much of a hassle though 😭]

Me {According to Nii-San, Yoshida-kun has a lot of potential to become something in life. At the start I didn't see it, but over the years I can see it now}

Me [Go ask Ren to get your lunch for you]

Yoshida [But he's in the class next door and I don't wanna walk that far]

Me {Ren is Yoshida-kun's newest friend. I don't really like Ren, but he tags along with us sometimes}

Me [Fine, here 🍱]

Yoshida [A bento? Did you make it?]

Me [Yes, now eat]

Yoshida [Thank you]

Me {I often bring a second bento to school just in case Yoshida gets hungry}

Yoshida [*foodgasms noises*]

Me {When should I give him his valentines chocolate?}

Yoshida [Hori—-*munch*—-kita]

Me [Hey! Chew with your mouth closed]

Yoshida [....Okay, I wanted to ask you if you knew what today was?]

Me [What is today, Yoshida-kun?]

Yoshida [Today is the release date of Red Unleashed's volume 18]

Me [Okay, Yoshida-kun frankly I don't care]

Yoshida [Yeah, but look at the new volume cover]

Me {He pulled out his phone and showed me the cover}

Me {He pulled out his phone and showed me the cover}

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(A/N. 😭 I know my photoshopping skills are bad, but deal with it 😭)

Me [Wow, it's almost as if I don't care]

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