VIII. Good Laugh

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The crowd's attention was diverted to us. There are murmurs against the upbeat music. Two guys helped Terrence to get back on his feet. His face was furious. And there was a slight cut on his lower lip. I really don't understand why Kyle punched Terrence. And why is Kyle here when he told me he wouldn't come.

"What the hell is your problem, dude?" Terrence said furiously. There was rage in his eyes.

"Should I call the cops for your possession of illegal drugs?" Kyle said casually.

Terrence backed away a bit and his expression changed. Though the lights were dimmed, I can still see how pale his face was. I don't get it. What's going on?

Terrence and his group walked away and didn't even look my way. Kyle spun to face me and stared at me for a couple of seconds before dragging me out of the club.

"Let me go!" I said while breaking free from his grasp.

Apparently he let go of my hand.

"Are you that easy? Or just plain dumb?" He asked firmly.

"What the hell are you talking about? And why are you here? Why did you punch Terrence? Are you fucking insane?" I asked in equal rage.

"Answer my question!" He said.

"You didn't answer any of mine." I answered.

"Oh fuck." He cussed.

"And now you're cursing?! Like what the fuck, Kyle! You totally ruined this night for me! You can't just run around punching people like that! Jesus!" I said infuriately.

"What is happening in here?" Aliza asked. She's with Wayne and Andi. "Kyle?" She said, surprised.

"Ruined the night? If I haven't seen everything and stopped it before it's happened, you could have been fucked up, Rebecka! That could've ruined your life, not just your night!" He said with rage. His veins on the neck were bulging. His face was so terrifying that it made me back away a bit.

"Whoa, whoa! Hold up. Can anybody explain what exactly happened?" Aliza asked.

"Your friend hung out with Terrence Palkin."

"What? Like the douche at W.U?" Aliza exclaimed.

"Exactly. I saw everything. They were betting whether Terrence can bang the shit out of you before the night ends or not. But your contender was a bit of a cheater and drugged your margarita. That was when you were at the restroom." He stated. So that was why Terrence approached me.

Everything seemed like a blur to me. My shoulders were slack and my body was shaking. They could've drugged me. I would end up like a mess if it weren't for Kyle. The idea of loosening up for the night and not think of anything else might have put me in grave danger. My life would've sucked even harder than it already is. How can I be so tactless? They left me all alone.

"You're all having so much fun on the dance floor, while I was all alone. I was pathetic. Going out was a pathetic idea. Fuck! How can I be so dumb?" I said with a heavy heart.

I ran away from them and took the cab fast. I couldn't take the idea of humiliation when all of this was my plan. I sound pathetic. I look pathetic. I thought everything's going to be fine. We just want to hang out and enjoy the night together. But in the end, I was left alone, again. I find refuge in being with Terrence and it felt so fine. Only then that I knew he was up on having sex with me for a bet. Doesn't that make me look stupid?

Kyle's pretty spot on. I am easy and plain dumb. Maybe that's why Terrence targeted me. Because I am that stupid red dressed girl, left all alone on the dance floor by her friend and by the looks of her, she can be an easy target. And gosh, I totally fuelled up his determination when I said 'library'. If he's smart enough, he'll figure out that one out; that I am a pariah. And with one hell of a little talk plus his goddamn good-looking face, he's got me. Damn, B!

That Night Everything Fell Apart #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now