03: rude

31 7 11

Laila's POV

I ran behind the rude guy who is walking very fast?.

No your legs are just short

My inner voices mocked me. Oh shut up I snapped at it before running toward the guy with full speed "hello mister wait excuse me" I screamed without even noticing the weird stares I am getting from acting like a totally embtassing girl.

I finally stood in front of the bulky guy blocking his way mentally patting myself for the marathon I did.
He looked at me with that dark scary eyes and his thick eye brow raised with in a questioning way while his pretty lips turned into scowl.

Wait pretty? Snap out of it Laila no matter how good looking he is he is a rude guy

I  gulped and looked at him  with a nervous look since he looks so intimating "I.. ummm" I extend my hand "this is L-Laila nice to meet you Mr.Jack"


He frowned and stare at me for sometimes weirdly "do you know me miss?"

I looked at him confused. Huh? What he meant by that? Ofcourse i know him..uhh no i dont know him but then again so what if i dk him personally this date is for that no.... damn such a arrogant guy Is he also forced?

"Excuse me miss can you stop wasting my time if you have nothing to tell now excuse me" he was about to walk away. "No no wait" I stopped him again.

I looked at him "listen I think you are also May be forced for this date I don't know why they didn't even tell you my name but yeah I am Laila hedric your blind date for today ig" I gave him a tight fake smile and extend my hand again for him to a shake.

He stare at him blankly for sometimes before his eyes widen and a small smirk got curled on his lip.

Oh hot.

Shut up.

He smirked and took my hand is to his big palm before shaking it.

Chock me sir-


"Oh nice to meet you too miss laila ...also sorry for before" he said and his voice soften a little.

He is getting soft for me

Deleululu bitch

I chuckled and shook my head "nah it's okay understand so...umm" I looked down at my hand that is still on his.

"Oh" he removed his hand from mine chuckling " so can we have a seat?" He asked and I nodded and walked behing him oblivious to the shocked stares and continuous whisper I am getting around.

If you catched me writing Laila as Luna please forgive me I dk tf is wrong with me that I have been naming her Luna

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