01: Mom no

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(Chapters of this story will be very very short)

"For God sake mom how many times did I even tell you that I am not interested at getting married" she groaned while trying to smooth her head ache. "But Laila this is for your own good only you are 25 now when are you gonna get married?" Her mom replied her back with a frown. Her wrinkle face turned little angry.
"Mom please I am 25 not 65" she tried to argue back.
"Don't argue on me little miss you are going on a date with the guy I set up whether you like it or not it's my final words" Her mom snapped at her before getting up walking toward the kitchen.
Laila sighed rubbing her face giving up knowing she can't argue with her mom about it.
She was about to drink water when she heard a laugh  and her eyes averted toward the living room seeing her younger brother laughing while rolling on the floor clearly mocking her. She scowled and walk toward him with heavy steps with a glass of water before throwing the water on his face "shut up you chicken".

Her brother the young boy Daniel who is 20 years old widen his eyes when the cold water splashed on his face before his eyes stopped on his laughing sister. He growled wiping his face and got up with angry expression  "who is chicken  you are chicken" he snapped before taking few steps toward her. Laila's eye widen at that "no no" she whispered gulping  and turned around keeping the glass on the table before running away knowing if her brother catched  her it won't be good. She ran upstairs. "Where are you running coward" she heard that little devil shouting behind. She giggled and ran to her room when she was about to close the door a strong hand stopped that she tried to close the door again when Daniel pushed the door open fully. Laila shook her head "no Daniel please Don't" she was about to run away when Daniel pushed her on the bed and started to tickle her. And that's how grown ass two sibling started they tickling attack and Laila all forgot about her pressure of going on a date with unknown man.

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