"Please shut the fuck up." Komi pleaded. France burst out into laughter at that, and it only grew more obnoxious as she saw the effect it was having on Komi. "Oh~ I don't know, that response just makes me want to keep going! I must be hitting a nerve!" France mocked, giving him another grin. "Oh? Oh? what about you! You don't look so great yourself." Komi responded, anger still present in his tone. France raised a brow. "What do you mean-"

"You know exactly what i mean! Don't play dumb with me here, I see through that smug shit face of yours." Komi snarled, France was... a bit caught offguard. The mockery and amusement on France's face disappearing.France's expression suddenly became more serious, her eyes becoming narrower as she looked Komi up and down. "You know, you're right," she replied slowly. "I haven't been... feeling right as of late."

"As if your sad little face didn't tell me that before we started the conversation." Komi responded, the annoyance in his voice slowly fading too but a hint of it still remaining. "Oh shut up." France grumbled, her dismissive tone returning, but there was also still a tinge of sadness under it. "You do realize that there's a difference between having a 'sad face' and just not feeling 'right' at all, right?" She added, more annoyance in her tone as she tried to dismiss this topic. "Like I said, I can see through you, your character is as thick as paper. So you either stop annoying or tell me what's wrong." Komi finished, now he had the smug smirk on his grin.

France let out a deep sigh, her irritation clearly growing as she crossed her arms. "Oh, what? You want me to spill all my emotional baggage on you like you're some kind of therapist or something?" She then rolled her eyes, giving him a dismissive pout. "I'm fine, really." She tried dismissing it again. "It's bothering you, and It's bothering you a lot, don't lie to me." Komi responded, his voice still having that teasing tone. "Yeah, you're right. It is bothering me." France conceded, her expression growing even more annoyed in response to his teasing. "But just because it's bothering me doesn't mean I have to tell you the exact reasons why. Or even tell you anything at all, for that matter."

"Is that so?" Komi asked, raising a brow towards her. France glared at him for a few seconds, trying to maintain her composure. She then scoffed quietly. "Yes, really. So just shut up about it, will you?" She spoke in a tone of both playfulness and disdain. "Can't believe you, Miss Teasing herself, is being annoyed by teasing right now, curious." Komi replied. France opened her mouth, but then promptly shut it again, seemingly unable to come up with a proper response to Komi's comment. She instead grunted quietly, looking away from him. "No, but in all seriousness, If something's bothering you, you should talk it out with someone." Komi's tone changed as he said that, that smirk seemingly just disappearing off his face.

France continued to look away, not saying anything for a few seconds. Then she looked back to him, her tone suddenly becoming more apologetic. "Yeah... You know what, you've got a point. But I really don't think you want to hear about my stupid little problems." She confronted. "Oh, no, problem's are hardly stupid, considering the grand scale of today's problems... we all live through something. Some problems are just insatiable." Komi assured her.

"You sound like WRRF with how philosophical you're being." France grumbled, her tone still filled with slight annoyance, though this time there was a more genuine appreciation underlying it. "I mean, you're right. I just... I don't know. It just feels trivial to talk about. I don't want to bother you with my whining." France explained. "Well, why not hear it then, I can only decide if its trivial or not only after hearing it." Komi replied.

France sighed once more, then shifted slightly in her seat on the bench. She seemed to ponder something for a few seconds before finally deciding that she might as well just do it. "Well... it's not really a big deal per say, or maybe it is..I don't know, but it's just..." Her tone was still filled with some residual annoyance at having to talk about this, but there was a genuine hint of exhaustion in her voice as she continued. "I've just... I feel stuck, I guess." She explained.

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