6 - Clinging onto the past

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"Life is a moderately good play with a badly written third act." –Truman Capote

6th of December. 6th of December. Same day, different feelings. December of 6th, 1895 was the first time in a longtime since she visited Saint Petersburg. She remembered it looking relatively impressive for the time, It was still stupidly cold but someone was there for her. December of 6th, 1966. Her first time in a long time in the city of Gayny. She didn't came here in her own free will, It's just something fate decided for her. But she doesn't feel the same happiness she felt all those years back.

She had no home, barely a army left, her real home occupied by the Fascists. She didn't feel anything anymore except misery. Always being forced to swallow it up and make that same stupid smug expression again. She missed the days when they weren't fake facades, she remembered when she beamed a genuine smile in Moscow. This place... reminded her of her own home a too much, is this what Paris feels like right now? Miserable and cold?

She can't blame the people here for the sad condition this place, or well, the entirety of Russia is in. It's not their fault, It's the constant bombings from the Luftwaffe and Terror raids that made this country what it is. She imagined her home to not be much different from this place... and it was upsetting her. It really was. Was all of this preventable? She sighed, there's no point in thinking about that. She can only hope for the future.

"What are you thinking?" The man sitting besides her at the bench asked, looking at her in the eyes, a bandage wrapped around said man's face. He had a very unamused face, and she could tell he was just trying to start small-talk. Like always she just returned the unamused look and leaned back.

"Aren't you supposed to be in jail, Komi?" France asked, raising a brow. Komi leaned back in disdain. "Yes; but I was pardoned." Komi answered, she could tell he was... not ecstatic. "Really? He just let you go like that?" France asked. "Apparently so," Komi responded, his tone still rife with annoyance. "He was giving me some long-ass lecture about being a good little communism supporter, but in the end all he really wanted was a verbal pledge of loyalty, which he got."

He then let out a heavy sigh, leaning his head back against the bench he was sitting on. "And after all that, the bastard has the audacity to keep his guards around me even after I'm free to go. Can you believe that?" Komi said, as he cautiously looked around. "Wow, that sounds fun." France responded, sarcastically.  "Oh, real funny," Komi muttered, rolling his eyes. "I swear to God, the more I have to deal with him, the more I want to just kick him in the face."

"Just like how he shoved that Bayonet up yours?" France asked, trying to compose herself, but eventually a chuckle escapes her throat. Komi groaned at France's laughing. "That was painful, shut up." Komi groaned. "Yeah, but you deserved it." France responded. "Oh, shove it." Komi muttered, shooting her a look. "I did not deserve it, even if he thought I did."Komi argued. "I would say you do deserve worse, actually." France shot back, with a mischievous grin.

"Yeah, Fuck you too then." Komi cursed France out. "Why am I even here with you?" Komi muttered, to himself mostly.

"Well, because I'm keeping you here." France replied, her smug grin growing wider. "Besides, it's not everyday that you get the opportunity to torment a loser like you." She let out a giggle, her tone becoming more teasing as she continued. "Oh and also, because I find your annoyance amusing." She explained, as Komi's face grew even more disdainful. "I simply wanted to know about what you were thinking." Komi snarled.

"And I simply wanted to tease you a little bit, so we're on the same page here." France replied, her grin becoming even more amused as she stared at Komi's increasingly annoyed expression. "You must admit, it is fun watching you get all riled up like this." Komi rubbed the bridge of his nose between his eyes in annoyance. "Please do not say 'Riled up' ever again." Komi responded in his annoyance. "Oh~?" France feigned innocence, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Why? Is it such an unpleasant word for you to hear? Or is the fact that you know I'm getting under your skin making you madder?"

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