4 - Bandit Brothers

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TW: Violence and blood (also tried adding more spaces between the sentences to see if Inline comments work or not. My writing style changing offends my friends for some reason)

"Well? What do you say, old friend? If the guns pointing towards you?" - Boris Savinkov

The two men stopped what they were doing. To face the woman that watched over them. "Oh? Who is this pretty little face?" The man holding the Lugr pistol leaned backwards, having a amused face. "...Wh- France?!" WRRF spoke in surprise, France was equally relived as she was confused.

"Where have you been...? Who is this...?" France asked, confused. WRRF's grip on his bayonet loosened, as he looked at the ground thinking of what to say. "Yeah, I have the same question, tell us~!" He asked, a shit-eating smirk stuck on his face. "Nobody told you to speak." WRRF growled.

"Now your just being rude." He lowered his pistol. He turned to face the woman. "Well, Madam, my name's Komi, but I go as Russia as well." Komi introduced to himself. "Your not Russia you bastard!" WRRF shouted, now even more agitated. "I'd like to hear your corpse say that..." Komi snarled. "Wh- what's happening?" France asked, still confused.

"This disrespectful communist scum refused to surrender, entered MY city, and when I tried negotiating with him, he retaliated!" Komi explained, a hint of anger in his voice. "It was a simple misunderstanding!" WRRF tried explaining. "Oh? A misunderstanding?! You tried attacking me!" Komi growled. "You were following us with a pistol, Jackass!" WRRF shouted. "And you shot Plesetsk!" WRRF growled. "That doesn't give you a right to attack me! and I shot in self defense!"

"YOU LITERALLY DECLARED WAR ON ME, I CAN'T JUST TRUST YOU!" WRRF snapped, gripping his bayonet. "OH? because I was trying to walk upto you to negotiate!" Komi snapped back aswell. "Please- can't we just talk this out?-" France tried defusing the situation, but her words inevitably in vain. "Woman, shut up." Komi spoke. "France: I'm sorry, but this situation is beyond saving." WRRF spoke, trying to be gentle in his tone.

France sighed. Her words were so in vain. She could only stand back and watch, she didn't wanna get involved in the crossfire. "So we both agree this situation is beyond saving." Komi asked. "It definitely is." WRRF confirmed, his bayonet fixed in his arms. "Well... SAVE THIS!" Komi pointed his Lugr, firing as a loud bang alongside a bullet came flying out the barrel. WRRF's ears perked up.

He barely manages to push himself away, the bullet still grazing his ushanka. "Okay, you son of a bitch, It's on!" WRRF shouted. Well, this was beyond saving now for sure. He charged forward, the blade of his bayonet pushing forward. Komi moved away in the last seconds. "shit-" WRRF said, before being pistol whipped in the face. "YOUR SLOW!" Komi taunted, before kneeing him in the stomach.

WRRF clenched his stomach, stumbling back. "You son of a-" He didn't finish his sentence, instead opting to ram face first into Komi. Both of them pushed onto the ground. "Get off me! ушлёпок!" Komi demanded. As he pointed his Lugr, firing it, but only managing to braze WRRF's shoulder. It was enough to push him away. WRRF winched in pain, holding onto his shoulder with one hand.

But he wasn't gonna let the pain get in his way, he grabbed his Bayonet, striking it down on Komi's ankle. "FUCK!" Komi winched, before kicking him away with the other foot. France watched, as fucking leaders fought like common thugs. It wasn't like she wasn't involved in battles with Britain or formerly Russia, but those battles were always disciplined and precise. This here... was just two men fighting each other like animals. France's face dropped as she watched the exchange happen right before her eyes. She couldn't believe the way WRRF and Komi were acting, they were supposed to be war leaders of their respective cliques, but here they were fighting like some street thugs.

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