Chapter 9 - Campfire (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Goodnight, see that the fire has died out before you leave!" Eddie hooted over his shoulder to Miles and Geoffrey, before following the ladies up to the house. Geoffrey suddenly realised that they were indeed the only ones around, even the servants had gone to bed already. He cleared his throat a bit nervously, feeling that the effect of whatever he had smoked earlier was wearing off and he was no longer feeling as invincible as before.

"Do you want something more to eat?" Miles asked in a carefree tone. "Although, you already had like... Six or seven sausages." He teased and glanced amusedly at Geoffrey from the corner of his eye. Even after Oliver had left, Miles had not moved that far away from Geoffrey on the log.

"Do not mock me, the joint made me really hungry..." He smirked, reddening slightly.

"Yes, it does that..." Miles chuckled and tossed another piece of wood into the fire while Geoffrey gulped down his ale, but did not find the courage to ask Miles about the kiss at the bottom of his glass, as he had hoped.

"This was a nice tradition. I have apparently managed to miss it the previous years..." He said instead, staring into the dancing flames. "Don't you think it is nice?"

"It is alright." Miles agreed, but shot a worried look at Geoffrey's rolled up sleeves that revealed his badly burned lower arms. "You did burn yourself, like I said you would."

"Nah, it does not matter..." Geoffrey belittled, though both his arms, neck and face actually felt like they were on fire, but this moment felt too precious to be worrying about it.

"The housekeeper makes a good lotion that helps with burnt skin. I can go and get it for you if –" Miles began, but paused when Geoffrey suddenly leaned his head against his shoulder. "You want..." He finished slowly, but did not move away, even if Geoffrey had feared that.

"I'm just fine here, thank you..." Geoffrey almost whispered, tensed up over what would happen next, then turning even more tense when he felt Miles burrow his face into his hair.

"Geoff, I..." Miles inhaled deeply and brushed his nose softly against Geoffrey's head. The pleasant scent of smoke had got stuck into his blonde hair, reminding Miles of all the times they had gone hunting and camping in the woods with his family when he was younger.

"Yes...?" Geoffrey breathed out, waiting for Miles to maybe wrap his arms around him or at least finally give him an explanation over what the hell was going on.

"I should get married to that Cranleigh girl." Miles said instead, without any warning.

"What...?" Geoffrey blurted out, straightened his back and gawked at Miles, who quickly looked away and pinned his eyes on the fire instead.

"I... I think that is the best option for everyone... Considering the... The situation we have found ourselves in..." Miles stuttered in an uncharacteristically insecure way.

"And what situation is that?" Geoffrey enquired sharply, still looking sternly at Miles.

"You... You know what that situation is..." Miles replied silently and glanced quickly at him.

"I think I do, but I want you to say it." Geoffrey insisted, but Miles just kept staring in front of himself for a long while, before slowly shaking his head, unable to look at the other man. "Fine!" Geoffrey snapped and stood up, realising he was more drunk than he had thought. "Fine. Screw this, screw you Miles and all of this... This situation. Best of luck with wooing your sweet Miss Cranleigh!" He spat out and staggered back to the house, leaving Miles alone by the fire.


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