FLAWS - 02

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"I need to take a breather," I said as I tried to get up from the chair.

"Oh, don't worry. Here you go!" Lis was quite kind.

Back on October 23, 2020, I have to reminisce about other friendships that ended up blossoming, especially those that began on that day.

I was with him, waiting for the dishes to be ready to deliver to their respective tables. Suddenly, a girl who also worked there appeared.

"Let me see the face of the culprit," she said.

I was wearing a mask because we were in a global pandemic, and that was WHO's guidance. But it sounded like I was hiding behind a mask. I took it off and put it back on in an instant. Yes, she seemed nice.

Time passed, and we became closer. She started having dinner with us, making dinner time more enjoyable. We would laugh at anything, even the wind. As I got to know her better, she shared more about her life.

She lived alone, didn't have a good relationship with her mother. She was in love with a guy who didn't love her back, which plunged her deeper into depression every day. Her arms were all scratched up. She used to believe that doing that relieved her emotional pain.

We became great friends. Then one day, he, she, and I decided to create a group on a messaging app and included one more person, my younger sister. In our conversations, my sister always called me BB, which made my friend think we were dating, not siblings. "That was really a joke." We all became good friends and promised each other that we would be friends forever.

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