Onto the streets of L.A.

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Please Vote for my Story and Follow me! I will try and update a new chapter each week, maybe more if i'm in a mood to write.

Check out mine and my friends story. We both wrote and it's on her account. Willam_lou It's called "This is right" Check that out and Vote for that as well.


"Worthless, Freak, Fat." Words rolled around in my head leaving me insecure. "Just go kill yourself." Sometimes my sub-consious could be pretty messed up. But i mean. I am worthless, my own parents kicked me out. I must have been pretty horrible for them to kick their 14 year old daughter out of the house. Yup, 14. After they told me to get out i ran up to my room and grabed all of the meaningfull stuff. My photo album, my cellphone(But not my charger, how stupid am i?) my ipod(Again! Stupid!), my pillow that my Grandpa had given me years before, and my side bag, which i had put all of the stuff in. I had been out here for 4 yeeks so far. The first night i was hungry so i raided my bag, which i found 20 dollars in a pocket. That had lasted me up until 3 days ago. Now i'm stick thin, not that i wasn't thin before, but my ribs stick through. My pale skin is now a dark tan caused by several hours walking in the sun, and all the dirt covering me. I'm not wearing much just an old t-shirt that had several holes and a pair of black, now grey leggings. People always gave me looks but never said anything when they saw a near child walking the streets of L.A. alone. Just my luck that it started pouring rain, thundering, and lightening. Did i mention that i'm deathly afraid of thunder and lightening. I was 9 and i had tracked mud into the house, being a child i didn't really care, but my father did. He yelled at me and then threw me back outside told me to clean off before he would let me back inside. I had been out there for 3 hours before he remembered that i wasn't in the house, i came back inside soaked to the bone and jumpy because of the deafning sound of the thunder. 

 I shook my head to rid myself of the memories, my shirt was pretty wet and my hair damp, i had to get out of the rain and somewhere dry. I ran down the street, tears coming to my eyes each time the boom of thunder fell through the air. I shivered with the november air and rain i was freezing, pretty sure i had a cold, but no way to help it. I had come up to a row of stores and chose the first one to take refuge in, one that would allow me to stay for a while. I had stopped underneath the awning to ring out my shirt and hair. They wouldn't appreciate me dripping water through the store. I opened the door and the smell hit me. Coffee beans and vanilla. Wait, was this starbucks? I took a better look at the sign, yup, deffinitly starbucks, the familiar green circle glossed the large window. I shivered a little more, the warm atmosphere hitting me. I shuffled into the nearest booth. Not a lot of people were here, probably because of the dangerous road conditions. I sat there, trying to calm down even though the sound of thunder was coming closer and closer.

 A hand rested on my shoulder, causing me to jump. I looked up, and despite my fright, the person stood their ground. "Are you ok?" They asked "I noticed that you've been sitting here for a while. Where are you parents?" I shook my head, "Not here," my voice raspy, granted, i haven't spoken in weeks. They put something infront of me, "You need this more than i do." It was a brand new cup of starbucks coffee, steam coming off in waves. "T-thanks, but i can't take it." I tried to give it back, but it was placed back in front of her. "I bought it for you, It would be rude if you turned down a gift." That was a low blow, but i have to give her props. "Using bribery against me, Smart." I pulled the warm cup into my cold shaking hands, the coffee ran down my throat giving me warmth that i craved. I smiled a Silent Thanks.

 "So what's your name?" She sat down in the seat across me. "Abbigail." The girl smiled, "It's a cute name, too long. How's Abby?" I smiled, no one ever called me Abby, not since my mother and sister were alive. "I-I like it." I continued sipping my coffee as she got up to get hers. "So Abby... I'm Demi Lovato." She told me. "Yeah, I know." She looked shocked, "And you didn't tell me? And here i thought you didn't know me." She put her hand over her heart. "I'm a huge fan, don't get me wrong, but you're just a person. Not someone to be idolized like a god." That was the most i have said in a long time, causing my throat to be a little sore. Demi smiled at me. "So why aren't you at home where it's warm?" She had figured something was up. "Not welcome at home." I had decided to come out and tell her, no doubt that i could be able to get away anyways. "Your parents kicked you out?" I shrugged, "My dad, he got tired of having me around. Figured i would waste less space out on the streets." I have no idea where this newfound bravery came from. I had spent years trying to convince everyone that my life was perfect at home. "You are not a waste of space. You're a human being and every human being has a place on earth." For some reason that hit me, and i started crying, silent tears, and when Demi moved to sit next to me i started sobbing. She pulled me into a hug. "Shh, " She hushed, rubbing my back. We sat like that, gaining several strange looks, but i didn't care. I pulled back, "Sorry," I muttered rubbing my eyes. "It's ok." She told me with a smile. But something inside Said that she was silently judging me. "So where are you staying now?" I shrugged. "You're homeless?!?" she said loudly, then looked around and repeated her question with a whisper. "Who would want a messed up 14 yr old?" I looked down. "Aww!!" she pulled me into a hug again. "You are not messed up! And you can not live on the streets!" I had just enough time to grab my coffee before I was dragged out of the store and into Demi's car despite my protests. "You can come live me! I will not let a 14 year old live on the streets and get killed." And she started up the car and pulled onto the Streets of L.A.

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