02| Agathokakological

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Agathokakological - Composed of both good and evil

When everything was packed, Daena grabbed her bags and walked to Balerion

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When everything was packed, Daena grabbed her bags and walked to Balerion. Balerion the Black Dread, once ridden by Aegon Targaryen, the conqueror, the dragon that conquered the Seven Kingdoms, was now Daena's dragon after she claimed him when she was only 6.

A bond that couldn't be broken by someone since Daena loved Balerion, and Balerion loved Daena. It didn't matter how big and terrifying he was. He would always be Daena's baby. She preferred to spend her mornings in the sky with her dragon instead of spending her mornings in the Red Keep hearing about political problems.

When she mounted her dragon, he took her to the middle of the clouds. She could feel the wind in her skin, the adrenaline in her heart, and the peace running through her veins.

Balerion shadowed the whole city of Pentos. Everyone knew the princess was there now. She saw Sunfyre and Dreamfyre stopping, so Balerion did the same, and the three dragons landed on the ground.

Daena, Aegon, and Helaena waited for their father and their stepmother and stepsisters to receive them. When they finally got there, they saw a beautiful woman, with dark shining skin, beautiful white curly hair with some shelves, who was wearing a baby blue dress and next to that woman two girls also wearing a baby blue dress with dark shining skin and white curly hair.

They looked like mermaids, Daena thought, and that was when she realized that was her stepmother Laena and her stepsisters Baela and Rhaena. Maybe the thought of meeting them was not that pleasing. She started to feel jealous of them, of how well they were living with her father.

"My little dragons!" Daemon said, and Daena and her siblings ran to Daemon's arms.

They were finally at home, in their father's arms. Daena couldn't stop noticing how her father was wearing the color green. It was a way to always keep his family in his heart.

"I missed you," Daena said, hugging her father. "I have a present for you, little dragon," he said and took a necklace from his pocket.

The necklace was beautiful. It was made, of Valyrian steel with a heart made of green emerald. "Mother is gonna love this necklace," she said. "I hope so 'cause I have one exactly like that for her," he said. "How romantic!" Daena giggled.

Daena could feel Lady Laena looking at her, and when she looked at Lady Laena, she smiled. "I've been waiting to meet you, Daena. Your father speaks very well of you and your siblings," she said. "Thank you for receiving us, Lady Laena. My siblings and I are very grateful." Daena smiled.

And when she smiled, she could feel another pair of purple eyes looking at her, this time Aegon's eyes penetrating her skin, trying to see what she was made of to be so immaculate. She noticed every single time he looked at her that way. Every time she prayed to the Gods, she prayed for Aegon, prayed to have him, for him to wish her the same way she wished him.

"Come with me," Daemon grabbed Daena's arm and took her to the castle where they were staying. It was a normal castle similar to the Red Keep, nothing Daena wasn't used to.

Her dad guided her to her chambers, where she was staying, and sat on her new bed for the next few days. "Tell me everything," he said.

Where should she start? Maybe the fact that her legitimate title as Queen was being questioned. As was Aegon's title as king, or maybe, for the fact, that Rhaenyra birthed another Strong boy. "It's always around me, the noise of noble people whispering about me, Aegon, and Helaena, about our legitimacy. We have the same hair as Viserys, but we certainly don't have his temper. We're just like you and Mother, and Rhaenyra knows that. She's been throwing that to my face every chance she gets." Daena said.

The line to the throne was not pure Targaryen. Everyone knew that. But at this point, the only legitimate heir was Aemond Velaryon, with no dragon, no political experience, just white hair and Valyrian blood. Son of Rhaenyra and Laenor, Daena knew she had to get rid of the only true heir who could have a better claim to the throne. It was that or marry him, but her heart already belonged to another.

"We need you at King's Landing," she said, and a little tear fell from her purple eye. "Aegon and I are just two teenagers. We don't know anything about what's happening, and Mom, well, you know Mom."

Everyone knew how Alicent wasn't easy to deal with. Daena and Aegon were the only pain Alicent gave birth to. Did she love them? They are her strength for everything, but does she know how to show her love for her children? The answer is no, and that made them feel unlovable.

"I have a family now, Daena!" Daemon said, and Daena couldn't believe what she heard. "You always had a family, me, Aegon, Helaena, and Alicent. We are your first family. You should focus on us. Why did you even start a new family? We weren't enough for you? Or was our mother not enough for you?" She said with an upset tone in her voice.

"You don't understand," Daemon said. "That's what you think, but I understand what's happening here. Mother wasn't young enough?" When Daena said that, her father negatively moved his head as if he was disappointed with her or with himself for making his daughter think that way.

"Get dressed, Daena. We're going to have a dinner that Lady Laena wanted to make to welcome you and your siblings," he said and left her chambers without replying to her question.

Daena took a beautiful pink dress out of her bag and dressed it. She put a beautiful white headpiece on her head and let her beautiful, curly white hair move freely in the wind. She was nervous to meet formally, her other two sisters and lady Laena, but the other part of her was excited to make some new friends.

When she was ready to leave her chambers, someone knocked on her door. "Come in," she said while looking at her mirror to make sure she looked good. "Have you talked to Father about him going back to King's Landing?" Her sister asked her. "Come here, let me brush your hair. It's messy." Daena smiled.

Helaena walked in her sister's direction and sat on a chair while Daena grabbed her comb. "Dad is a fool, apparently, he enjoys the company of Lady Laena here in Pentos," Daena said, and Helaena didn't say anything, just stayed silenced. "Don't worry! I'll talk with him again later."

Helaena never had a great relationship with anyone. The poor girl was cursed, by visions of the future. And that made her life harder than Daena or Aegon could ever imagine. While Daena was brushing Helaena's hair, Helaena grabbed her hand.
"I'm sorry, Daena!" Helaena said. "Sorry for what Hel?" Daena asked without understanding what her sister was talking about. "For what is going to happen to you," she said, and Daena abruptly took her hand from her sister's hand. "For seven hells, Helaena," she said and left her chambers.

Kat talking

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Kat talking

🌙| 001 : Hello!!!!!!

🌙| 002 : I just want to remember everyone that I'm a Daemon Targaryen hater.

🌙| 003 : I'm sorry for any big mistake.

🌙| 004 : Love you all <3

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