Meet the Characters

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Let's meet the four main characters under Academic Track.

Let's meet the four main characters under Academic Track

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Zuleen: The Polymath, a post-commatose girl having a Mathematician mind, passionate to formulate her own variables. Always breaking down everything into derivative equations combined with numerical expressions, delving in a certain degree of complex brainstorming and decision-making. However, she hates English.

 However, she hates English

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Jabba: The Statistician, a mysterious boy who has analytical vision skills hidden on its tattooed dark eyes and big glasses. Always accounted for balancing every transaction he encountered by forecasting the settings into numerical datas observing smallest details of error and fraud act. He usually read mind and sense danger.

 He usually read mind and sense danger

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Sahee: The Machiavellian, a fat petite girl having a big round bellies. Has the ability to use her ear-aching voice as an offense and for vicious teas. Always the loudest and gluttonous of all. Capability to devour a person alive by her poisonous mouth during debate and argument.

 Capability to devour a person alive by her poisonous mouth during debate and argument

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Khrina: The Generalist, an open-minded short hair girl perceiving people in general. Possess of varied unspecified skills and talents. Having a collection of information about personal profiles including secrets and backgrounds. She loves to sense everyone's redflags.

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