Chapter IV

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Julie POV

"You know, this shit is pretty unhealthy. Smoking, I mean." Natty commented from the side as I lit up another cigarette. The third one within an hour, to be precise.

"You don't fucking say." I replied, unimpressed by Natty's warning. It wasn't like it wasn't common knowledge. "But if I don't wanna lose my fucking mind out here in these godforsaken woods in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, I need something to calm me down."

"Looks like its working wonders for you." The younger girl mumbled, seemingly upset. Now I kind of felt like a jerk.

"I'm.. sorry, Natty. I'm just.. annoyed."

"Come on Jules, its not that bad. Sooner or later, we have to find somebody who can help us."

"It's not just about that, Natty. I'm annoyed at myself. If I wouldn't be such a fucking idiot, we could've already been on our way again. But no, of course I had to take out my fucking tools because "Who the fuck needs tools on a roadtrip?", am I right?" At the end of my rant, I could feel how Natty comfortingly put her arm around my shoulder. And while I never would've asked for a hug, I really appreciated it. Thank god she was such an emphatic human being.

"We all make mistakes. Some are smaller, some are bigger. As long as we make it out alive, and we will, we can count this as experience and move on."

"Speaking of moving on, do you see what I see?" In the distance, I suddenly spotted something that looked like a gas station. Natty's eyes followed mine and we both squealed in happiness at the same time. Immediately, we ran towards the building. Surely, at a gas station you would have somebody who knew how to change a tire, right?

However, the closer we got to the gas station, the more the building appeared to be ran down and rather abandoned. "Don't tell me this place is shut down..."

And indeed, there was no person in sight. No workers, no customers and most importantly, no mechanic.


"Don't say it..."

"I don't think we will get any help here."

I let out a defeated sigh. "I know..." Suddenly, my disappointment got overshadowed by anger and I used my heavy combat boots to kick in the glass door, which shattered into a thousand pieces. "Fucking bullshit!"

The silence afterwards was almost deafening. That was, until we heard something, or rather somebody, moving inside the building. And it looked like Natty and I had the same thought.

"This place isn't so abandoned after all, huh?" She whispered to me as she tried to peak inside the building. As for me, I wasn't keen to find out who or what was lurking inside.

"Are you nuts? Lets get the hell out of here." I grabbed Natty by her arm and tried to pull her away, but the girl was much stronger than I was.

"Not yet, I wanna know who is inside."

I was fairly sure that this girl would get us killed, but luckily, that never happened. Because just as she was about to get into the building, a signal gun was being fired in the distance. Which could only mean that Haneul and Belle found something. So without wasting a second thought, we began to run towards the direction.

Meanwhile, Haneul POV



"My feet hurt."

"And what am I supposed to do about that?"

"Carry me..."

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