Chapter I

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Julie POV

What the fuck just happened? This loud thud, I didn't imagine that, right? It all happened so fast. My vision was blurry, all I can see was a vague figure running right in front of my car. Out of pure instinct, I hit the breaks, but apparently, it was too little to late. My head was propelled forward and hit the steering wheel hard. The world around me was spinning as I slowly lifted my head, but there was no doubt anymore. Right in front of my car, there was a person lying on the asphalt. As soon as I realised what just happened, my body began to move on its own as I left the car. I ran over to the person and quickly identified her as a young girl. What should I do now? She didn't seem to be badly injured, but she wasn't conscious either. I quickly looked around, but nobody else was here. Should I call an ambulance? But if it came out that I've been driving under the influence, I would be in so much trouble. I had to take care of the girl myself. I could do that, right? I just had to get her somewhere safe, like my house. Yes, that was a good idea. If I could get her there, I could take care of her bruises and nobody had to know about it. So after confirming one last time that nobody was watching me, I hooked my hands under her arms and dragged her over to my car. Not particularly an easy task, but I was pretty. I didn't have to be strong. Yet, I somehow managed to hoist her into the passenger seat. "Don't worry, I'm gonna take care of you." I breathlessly whispered to the girl while buckling her up before I sat down behind the steering wheel again.

Okay Julie, calm down. You didn't kill her. You will get her to your place, take care of her, and I'm sure she'll understand.

Telling myself these words over and over again, I drove her to my place.

By the time we arrived, the girl by my said still hasn't moved one centimetre and if it wasn't for the soft rising and falling of her chest as she breathed, I would've been worried she was dead. But now I found myself faced with the next obstacle: Getting her up the stairs to my room. Well, there was no way around it, so I focused one last time and did what I had to do. At least by that time, my head cleared at least a bit. And although it took me all my strength, and multiple breaks, I eventually managed to drag her all the way up the stairs and into my bed. Not the most elegant way, and definitely not how one should treat an injured person, but it was all I can do. Quite literally, for more, I simply lacked the strength. The second I knew the girl was resting safely and comfortably in my bed, my legs gave up on me and I fell into the soft cushions next to her. Without me being able to fight against it, my eyes already fell shut while I was praying that I didn't make a horrible miscalculation and the girl would be dead by the time I woke up the next morning.

The next morning came, and with it, a pounding pain in my head. This was anything but a restful sleep. I was rarely hungover, but last night's events were simply too much. First I had this massive breakdown at the party, and then I ran over this girl...

The girl!

My eyes shot open, and I was greeted with the sight of the girl I dragged into my eyes, peacefully sleeping. She was definitely breathing, her lips were slightly parted. Full, beautiful lips, only centimetres away from my face. Was I still drunk, or was this girl.. really fucking beautiful? The morning sun that shone into my room only enhanced her beauty. Now, as a girl that has kissed quite a few people, boys and girls alike, I knew when somebody had good lips. And this girl was definitely a ten out of ten on the pretty lip scale. There was just one thing I had to try out: My thumb slowly and gently ran over the girl's lips, just to see if they felt as nice as they looked. And they felt even better.

Julie, are you out of your mind? This girl is not your hookup, she's your victim! You hit her with your car, you should take care of her instead of touching her inappropriately.

The little, obnoxious voice in my head was right. If the girl would've woken up now, I would've some explaining to do. Well, more than I already had. But it didn't look like she would wake up anytime soon, so I decided to prepare some breakfast instead. Which meant I had to do some shopping.

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