Chapter III

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Haneul POV

"Haneul, hurry up, or we leave you behind!" Belle's playful, melodic voice called me from Julie's car, loud enough so I would hear it on the doorstep, where I said goodbye to my parents. Maybe subconsciously, I tried to delay the start a little bit. Maybe, a small, but still noticeable part of me didn't want to go? And maybe I hoped for my parents to say no. Going on a roadtrip into the unknown with three strangers, wouldn't that be a scary thought for most parents? Well, certainly not for my parents. It was quite the opposite, they were very supportive of the idea. Of course, I knew that I could trust Belle, Natty and Julie. But I didn't expect my parents to be so easily convinced. And it also wasn't like I didn't want to go on that journey, I was quite excited. But when I thought about how I was never separated from my parents for more than a week up until that point, it gave me a strange feeling. Then again, what should I do? Spend my whole life under my parents' wings? I had to become independent at some point, I needed to make some experiences, and what better opportunity could there be? That's why I decided to ignore my initial doubts and join the girls. I didn't want to look back at this opportunity and regret my decision, wondering what would've happened if I decided to go with them.

It was early, six am to be precise, and the sun was just rising on the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold. As I leaned against the hood of Julie's car, I took a final look at my parents' house, in which I spent the last eighteen years, well protected and taken care of.

"You know, it's not too late to chicken out if you are scared. It won't make you a crybaby." Julie commented from the other side of the hood, her back facing mine as she was enjoying her morning cigarette. "Does make you a lil' bitch though."

By that point, I knew Julie well enough to see the joke behind her words, so I simply shrugged it of with a faint smile. "You really think I will let you have all the fun without me?"

But before Julie could reply something, Belle popped up by my side. "Julie!" She scolded the older girl like a mother would. "Don't you dare using such mean words to our Haneul! She's precious." And as if to underline her point even more, she gave me a big kiss on my cheek. It all happened so fast that I didn't even have the time to react before it was too late, but I could definitely feel the blood rush to my cheeks. At least it seemed to have the intended effect, as Julie stopped teasing me and instead flipped her cigarette onto the road.

"Okay mom, you made yourself clear. Now get your asses into the car, bitches, we roll."

"What did I just say?" Belle asked with a death glare at our driver as they both entered the car. The rest of their conversation faded somewhere deep into the background while I took a last look at my home. At the kitchen window, I spotted my mom and dad, waving goodbye to me with a proud smile on their faces. What were they proud of? Of their daughter finally leaving the nest, at least temporarily? Or was it happiness that they had the house to themselves for a while? I chuckled at the idea and finally got into the car as well. Since Natty already occupied the passenger seat, Belle and I shared the backseat. Well, along with a huge bag in the spot between us.

"Julie, what is that in that huge bag?"

"Well, snacks. Duh... Everything we need for a successful ride. Chips, chocolate, soda..."

"You packed a bottle of vodka?" I asked in shock as I went through the contents of the bag.

"Hey, the car occasionally needs a refill, and so do I." Our driver tried to defend herself, but neither Belle nor I would have any of that.

"We will be confiscating that for now." The former girl announced and took the bottle out of the bag.

Julie only replied with a roll of her eyes before starting the engine of her car. Finally, our journey began.

Belle POV

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