Chapter 5 Snitches

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Castle Grounds: A Day Later:

Prince Thackeray fed the non-humanoid hounds and petted them in their enclosed area. "I wish you could shape-shift because you're my angels."

Victor approached his brother and opened the gate. "You should have shown up at Alva's funeral!"

"My dogs needed attending too," Thackeray said dryly. "I finally said a prayer for Alva's soul, and that is more than enough."

"Stupid dogs. That is the lower servant's job. The monsters couldn't even find Tribeca and a little girl. I want to shoot the ugly creatures, but maybe you need to work harder to train them. It's one of your many jobs at the castle."

"If my kids are gone, I'll no longer work for you, and I'll take my dogs with me."

"Maybe you need a new wife and a new heir." Victor stormed off without locking the gate.

Thackeray made sure the pastel-colored dog houses were clean before he left another servant with the beautiful hounds.

He walked back, unlocked the door, and ascended the stairs to the massive kitchen. Freshly cleaned steel appliances, painted red or orange, glistened under the string of dome-shaped lights.

After washing up, he prepared himself a large plate of food and snuck to the rarely used servant's parlor.

He nibbled on cucumber sandwiches and violet-colored iced tea cakes. Tears flickered in his eyes. His phone rang.

"Dad, I love you. Are you alone?"

"Yes, Wendy, I love you too, but I'm trying to make sure Tribeca isn't caught."

Her voice softened with joy. "Florence saved Blackstone. He's alive, and I've spoken to him."

"Thank you so much for telling me," Thackeray's voice cracked. "I miss him."

"He's going to be fine, but Dad, he's going to go into hiding for a while, and you can't see him right away. Florence tricked Griffin, and now even Petunia thinks he's dead."

"I'll have the dogs run them in circles in the woods, but even my sister wouldn't shoot a dog, but my brother is a different story."

The gold-plated bathroom door rattled. Flecks of shiny paint fell on the rose-colored carpet.

"I have to go. Someone might be listening in." Thackeray stood up.

The door rattled harder. "Help me! Alva locked me in here. He bragged that at least I had something to drink. I've had to eat stale cookies for days."

Thackeray helped the old man out and fed him.

Petunia wailed in the other room. "I can't believe he's dead! My sweet Alva. No one showed up for his funeral except Victor, me, Queen Izz, and people I had to pay."

Thackeray and the servant entered the library.

Two orphan children dragged a gold-plated cart with a television into the massive room. Another child servant stood on a crystal ladder to arrange magical books. A musky aroma danced in the air like perfume.

Thackeray offered the children sandwiches and set the plate on a wooden end table carved to appear like it was covered in tiny dragons.

Victor stood by Petunia.

The old servant yelled out. "I overheard Alva brag to Griffin over the phone that the ashes were not real, and the medical lab will prove I'm right."

"Liar! You're one of the creeps celebrating Alva's death." Petunia kicked the servant onto the floor.

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