[08] incredible.

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Tuesday morning i make breakfast for me and Rachel then she heads out and I let out an exhale, thankful

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Tuesday morning i make breakfast for me and Rachel then she heads out and I let out an exhale, thankful. i have too much going on to have someone around me right now.

The rest of the day I cover different chapters of the module, walking around my apartment with the flashcards in one hand and stickers in the other (my mum used to do it so it became a habit to add a silver star whenever I ace a flashcard).

It doesn't take long until I'm done, and by 'long' I mean it only took the whole day. I'm not sure when the last time I ate was, but I finished over 12 hours of work and I've practiced and watched my lectures and am absolutely wasted.

Rachel texts at the end of the day to make sure I'm okay and actually studying, to which I respond with a picture of my crossed off to do list. Everything I wanted done for the day is completed so I settle on relax with some takeout before my phone pings with a text.

We on for tomorrow?

Yeah, why, what's up?

Jensen never struck me as the type of guy to ask if we're 'still on' for plans.

Didn't know you had an exam

Fucking Rachel.

Who told you?

Does it matter?


   Jared said you told Gen you were stressed
   for your exam this week. Is it after we meet

Yeah but it's nothing, I've already studied,
   I don't mind going out.

You sure?

Now it feels like a father lecturing their child. Rachel was right, this age thing isn't easy.

Jensen if you don't want to go you can

Okay, maybe that was a little harsh, but it isn't fun being undermined. Although he's right, I probably wouldn't cancel unless my exam was the day after, still, no one wants to seem like a kid.


Are you trying to cancel?

No, but I don't want to take up your time if you're busy.

I'm not, I'm looking forward to going out.

I can't believe I said that, not that taking it back is an option.

Me too. I'll see you tomorrow.

I bite the skin around my nails, tapping my foot on the floor to get some kind of release. Obviously that was rude and he was just trying to be the incredibly thoughtful person that he is but i don't like how he's implying that i'd just let him run all over me... whether that's the truth or not is irrelevant.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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