[06] danneel's house

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I could be spending my weekend studying for my finals, or relaxing on the set of one of cw's longest, most successful, shows, or in a cafe, grabbing a freshly glazed donut that i was dying to try, but i'm not

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I could be spending my weekend studying for my finals, or relaxing on the set of one of cw's longest, most successful, shows, or in a cafe, grabbing a freshly glazed donut that i was dying to try, but i'm not. i am, in fact, not doing any of that, because my 'friends' (and i say this with all the love in my heart) are complete assholes who are driving me to Danneel's house.

I love that woman more than words can describe, but it will never make up for why she did, leaving me starnaded? no calls or texts? didn't even check up on me, for God's sake. No, i don't want to see her (at least not be the one to knock on her door) but apparently the girls found out where she lives from Jensen and we're all taking a cute little road trip down to frickin' Lebanon. I don't know what in the supernatural is going on, but i do not randomly drive from California down to Lebanon on a random Friday just because i want to see an old friend who doesn't even consider me a friend anymore.

"Laila, you'll get wrinkles with all the frowning." Gen says sarcastically, looking over at me for a second from behind the wheel. For once in our lives, we don't have Jared with us, though he did say he might come pick us up with Bert, their driver. We won't let him though, this girls trips thing is fun, even if it is in favor to a girl I'm not in the mood to talk to.

"Shut up." I mumble and lean further into my chair, sighing. "Sometimes i love you and sometimes, you really suck, Gen."

"Hey, fucking— fuck!" She screams at a guy who stopped suddenly, pressing the horns for a couple of seconds before we steer away from him. "Sorry, what were you saying?" I'm about to answer when she cuts me off, "Right, you hate me. Well, you miss Danneel more than you hate me, so it evens out."

"It doesn't. i don't want to see her."

"Her or Jensen?"

"What?" I almost scream at her, my eyes widening while i grip her shoulder quickly to squeeze them hard enough that it pinches.

"Oh, we forgot to mention Jens is staying at her place for a few days with the kids, we firgured we could maybe even push them together a little, you know? Jensen looks like he misses her too and i haven't seen Danneel but she didn't hide away from all of us if she's fine, you know." I do know. i know very well. Doesn't mean i want to see her and Jensen.

Why has my life come to this. Where's Jared when you need him. "Hey!" Gen says sternly, "No thinking of my boyfriend while i give you a hard time, i get jealous easily."

I look over with a wide smile at how well she knows me. "Over him?"

"Over you." i laugh a little, and loosen up. It's fine, i've got my girls, what's the worst that can happen?


"Alona, calm me down." I say quickly while i balance one of the cakes we got in my hand. I got this. I can do this.

"You are an amazing human, and you have nothing to worry about, calm down, baby." I smile at her and nod. she kisses my cheek and leans into me so practically all her weight is on my shoulders, it helps distract me a little. Especially when i notice a half naked Zepp opening the door for us, screaming 'mommy'.

"Laila!" He runs over to me and i laugh, letting him embrace my legs as i bend down a little to hug him back. And then, just as he's about to let go, Arrow does the same, throwing her toy car into the floor. Her cute 'Leela' makes me smile even wider and i kind of forget about everyone else for a second, because God if i don't love these kids like my own. For all the weird and crappy with their parents, i've never loved a couple of children the way i do the ackles'.

"Alright you little monsters, give aunt Gen some love." And they don't waste a second doing it, laughing and smiling while she gives the cake in her hand to alona so we can carry them into the house.

We weren't exactly welcomed in, per se, but right as we shut the door behind us Jensen comes down, sweatpants and a black shirt on, hair still wet from what i assume was a shower, and greets all of us.

From what's i've seen, and i've seen my fair share, Jensen is one of the most polite humans i've ever met. I've hardly seen him hug women he doesn't know, a habit i've noticed men take lightly. I hate it. I don't like being in such close proximity of someone i'm not comfortable with, so even though we've all known this man for half a decade, all he does is shake our hands, kiss our cheeks, and smile that charming smile of his, in respect to both all their husbands, i'm guessing, and our personal space.

"Hey, Laila, how've you been, darlin'?" He greets softly like he did everyone else, though they're giving us their backs now. He shakes my hand, pulling me in to kiss both my cheeks and invite me in further (not like we needed help in that department, we let ourselves in).

"I'm good, you?"

"Happy you're all here. Jared told me Gen might come but he didn't mention she'd bring everyone else with her, i'm sure Danneel will be glad." I scoff lightly but immediately regret it. I don't want him to think i'm mad at Danneel, though i am, it isn't something i want to talk with him about. I'm sure i'd tell him just about anything if he asks though. "Hey, hey," he says to catch my attention, walking a little closer to me now, "she is, she will be, it's been a long time since she left California, she's much better now."

"But hasn't had time for a call." I roll my eyes and almost walk away from him before he grips my arm, still gentle.

"Please, be gentle with Dan, she's still going through... other stuff. i'm sure she'll tell you when she's ready but she needs her friends here." he takes a pause, "I'm happy you came." The 'you' no longer referred to all of us at the end of that sentence and it leaves me wondering for a second before Alona snatches me next to her as Jensen announces he'll take the cakes to the fridge.

"What was that?" She whisper-yells. I shrug, walking with her to the living room. she looks like she's about to press when Icarus runs over to all of us, barking.

Have i mentioned how deathly afraid of dogs rachel is? oh fuck.

"Rachel!" gen says quickly, moving our friend away from the half-spaniel, half-poodle breed that's barking up and down, he'd probably have done much worse if Gen wasn't standing in his way. Rachel winces as Gen touches her bad shoulder, still obviously sore from the accident.

"Hey, hey!" I hear her voice. I hear my best friends voice. The voice i've been longing to hear for a whole year, the whole year she's ignored all of us for. I hear it and it makes me spin so fast i thought i'd get wiplash. "Icarus! Down!" He obeys slowly, still barking so Danneel starts petting him, telling him to go somewhere, to which he listens and Rachel looks like she's this close to fainting so her and Alona go to the bathroom to freshen up.

That leaves me, my ex best friend, her ex husband, and Genevieve Cortese in the room. That doesn't last long because Jensen excuses himself to take a call so now it's us three. "Hey guys." Danneel's voice is weak and low and it makes me question whether what Jensen was saying is actually true or not. I've never heard her like this.

That's the moment i decided to let it all go. If she was here, hurting, how am i ever going to forgive myself for giving her more shit?

"Hey, baby." I soothe, putting my hand on hers, "How have you been? We've been worried sick about you, you haven't called in too long."

"Yeah, i have." She lets out a choked cough, "i'm sorry, i have something to tell you but... God, i just don't—"

"Hey!" Gen snaps her back to reality, "We're here, talk to us."

"I was pregnant." What in the fucking fuck?

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